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“Are you having Cousins’ Night tomorrow?” Arin asked me. It was Thursday after school and we were walking down the hall toward the exit.

“Yep. It’s the second weekend of the month and it’s my family. We will have Cousins’ Night until the end of days.”

“You sound like this one is more of a cruel and unusual punishment than normal.”

“No, it’s the normal angst. You know I secretly love it.”

“Yes, I do. And it’s fun and weird and when I asked Yeonjun if he wanted to do something tomorrow night and he said he was watching his niece and nephew, I may have invited them all to your Cousins’ Night.”

I stopped in the middle of the crowded hall and turned toward Arin. “You what!”

Someone bumped into me from behind and Arin tugged on my arm to move me forward again. “This is all part of my DEFCON 1 flirting phase,” she explained calmly.

“Inviting him to my house?”

“I know. Are you mad?”

“Um … I’m trying to decide.”

My family was … well, my family. Outsiders had a hard time understanding our living situation. Even Taehyun had always thought it was a bit odd.

Arin and I pushed through the doors and walked outside into the parking lot. I let out a breath.

“You know, Karina and Winter would make fun of you for this idea of a first date,” I said at last.

“Who are Karina and Winter?”

“From the podcast you recommended? First Dates.”

“Oh. Right. Well, Yeonjun thought it sounded like a lot of fun and that his niece and nephew would love it.”

“Okay.” I stopped at my car, accepting the reality of the situation. “So I guess there will be guests at my Cousins’ Night, then.”

Arin gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Thank you, thank you!”


Cousins’ Night was in full swing—popcorn everywhere, video games on the big screen, comic-book action scenes being acted out in the corner, and my energy nearly drained—when the doorbell rang. Leo, my seven-year-old cousin, who was closest to the door, answered it while I worked my way around the couch cushions dotting the floor.

“Gyu-oppa, the carpet is lava!” Chaerin said.

“Oh, right.” I jumped on a cushion and continued my journey to the door.

“Are you guys cousins?” I heard Leo asking when I hopped off the last cushion and onto the tile entryway.

Arin and Yeonjun stood there, along with two kids.

“They are honorary cousins tonight, Leo,” I said, pulling my young cousin aside. “You know Arin.”

Leo shrugged and ran off.

“Hi, guys,” I said, opening the door wider.

Arin had a big smile on her face. “This is Jisoo, and that’s Seori.” She pointed to the two dark-haired, brown-eyed kids standing with Yeonjun. The little boy looked like a mini version of Yeonjun. He was adorable. They both were. But they also both looked a bit apprehensive.

“Hi, I’m Gyu. How old are you guys?”

Yeonjun put his hand on Seori’s head and said, “Seven.” Then he moved his hand to Jisoo’s. “And ten.”

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