01 - Reincarnated

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Chapter 01 -


✿Cassy's point of view✿


That's what I'm only seeing, Darkness.

The Dark reminded me of my time in my wing, it's where I start to manifest my ambitions. That's where I start to think that I needed to get out of there.

That's also where I start to wish for my Father's love and also my family's. Because that's where I saw my family in the garden happily doing everything what a happy family would do, and from my window I watch them be happy.

And so I told myself that I want that, I want a family like that. I want a family that will love me and cherish me for the rest of my life, a family that will make me feel safe, but no, I could never.

Fate didn't grant me that privilege or any kind of privilege actually, I need to do everything from scratch and with my own hard work. I had to earn everything I wanted.

But when she came into the picture, she didn't even had to lift a single finger and she got everything.

It's unfair when you do everything but there's someone who got all of it so easy. It's just so unfair!

"Child, I'm sorry for what you needed to encounter, all the hardships you needed to conquer. If I was to live after giving birth to you, you wouldn't have to suffer such things. My child, I'm so sorry." I heard a mystic voice said from somewhere unknown.

I look around me but I saw nothing, then suddenly a ball of luminous light came my way. I followed it and it lead me somewhere that I could call paradise.

Everything in here was glowing and in abundance of rare and beautiful things. It was almost like Eden but I don't think that's what this is.

"Child, my dear sweet child. Come to me now." Said by that mystic voice again, and I was whisked away by a gentle breeze.

I was then in front of a big temple like mansion, I entered it's hall and was fascinated by the silky drapes that was whisking in the flow of the breeze.

"Child, come!" The voice said, encouragingly to me. I followed the echo of the voice but was met with paths I don't know which one can lead me to the voice.

But once again, I was led by the wind to somewhere I don't know. I was then came face to face with a big white and black leopard. They were like boulders in size and have gemstones in there foreheads.

They motioned for me to enter the room that they were guarding. The door opened and closed as soon as I entered.

"Child, how nice that we finally met. Come, sit with me." She urged and I feel oblige to do so.

"Who are you? I'm not your child, am I? So tell me, why are you calling me child?" I asked the mysterious woman as soon as I sat down. She just smiled to that though, as if she already knew I'd ask her that.

"I knew you would say that. So, I would like to show you the truth behind your birth." She said and waved her right hand in the air and formed a tiny cloud of smoke.


"Momma? Why is your belly so big?" A little boy asked her mother. The mother lovingly smiled at her first born son, and picked him up to sit on her lap.

"Alexander, my son. My belly is big because a baby is inside it. She's going to be your baby sister." The mother explicate to her first son. The son was delighted by the thought of him having another sibling and especially, a baby sister.

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