Chapter 12 - Jealousy, Jealousy

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Chapter 12 - Jealousy, Jealousy

“Gideon?” I paused. “Why are you here? This is the house of martyrs, the dukedom of the Montefrancesco's, why are you here? How are you here?” He snorted and walked around all of us.

“You know, the house of Jewels is very influential. The house of Martyrs aren't the only ones that runs the Empire.” He said while looking very smug. “And also, I should also ask you the same. Why are you here, Your highness?” He darted at me.

The whole place felt tense as the two of us stare down at each other. The stares are intense and I know that both of us feel our mana just oozing out, us fighting for the upper hand in this situation.

“I'm here because of personal reasons, Marques Gideon.  And it's also none of your business to ask me my presence here.” He smirked. “Oh yes, of course, your family and the Dukedom have close relations with each other, don't they?” He sounded like he was taunting me. He's trying to taunt me so that he could make me explode and do something impulsive.

I gritted my teeth to stop myself from saying something I shouldn't. Instead, Alistair is the one that broke the tension from both of us.

“Marques, if you don't mind me asking,” Gideon's attention went to Alistair. “What are you doing here?” Gideon smirked yet again.

“Well, how about I'll tell you all about it, in the form of a story.”


☆A week ago☆

Gideon Lart's Point of view✯

“Master, you received a letter from The House of Martyrs.” I stopped what I was doing as soon as I heard those words from my maidservant.

“Give it to me,” She gave me the letter and I dismissed her. “You may leave.” I read the letter, word by word.

“Interesting....” I let out a maniacal laughed as I finished reading the letter. “How amusing! The Young Lady of Martyrs is really a one of a kind Lady!” I chuckled dryly as I tossed the letter on the fireplace.

I would like to see how this will turn out, my lady.

The next day....

“Long time no see.... Cassandra...” A trail of silence engulfed us. She stares intensely at me, as if observing me, analysing my every move.

She is like a beautiful goddess, sitting in front of me but her aura, she's overflowing with power and authority, with a cloak of mystery surrounding her.

“Gideon.” She coldly said my name. “Oh wow, such indifference coming from you, my lady. I'm hurt.” I had a grin on my face while she sported a sarcastic smirk on her face.

“Cut the crap, Gideon.” She pushed an envelope in front of me. “I need you to do something for me.” She tells me.

I scoffed. “And why should I oblige to that? Please, enlighten me!” She has a calm yet cold composure on her face.

“Celia Monroe....” I froze. I haven't heard that name in a long time, nor have I thought of her in a long while.

I kept my composure on and stared back at her. “What about her?” Now she was smirking as if she knows something.

“A few springs ago, you met a girl, Celia Monroe,” She paused and stared deep in my eyes. “She was looking for shelter because it was pouring, there was a spring shower. You offer her to sit with you on a café she found shelter in.” She was telling me the story of how I met her.

My eishtar.

“Stop, stop now!” She stopped speaking. “Just tell me what you want me to do, and I'll do it.” She exhaled.

“I need you to get me the antidote for viper venom.”



†Rivel's point of view†

“What did you just say?” I was still in shock when Gideon finished explaining.

“Yes, yes, she wrote me a letter, we met up, and she asked me to find her the antidote for the viper venom!” He was saying all that so nonchalantly.

“But why? How did she know that she's going to be poisoned by viper venom?” Alexander inquires. But all he got for an answer was a shrug.

“I don't know, but what I know is, the little lady knows her foes.” There was a sudden wave of anger in me when he called Cassy, little lady.

“What did you just call her?” I looked at him fiercely. He seemed to have noticed my change of expression and wanted to rile me up even more.

“Oh you mean, little lady? I've always called her that, and she didn't even seem to mind me calling her that.” I found myself balling my hands into a fist.

I stare down at my feet as I take deep breaths to calm myself, I saw how my knuckles turned white to how hard I was fisting my hands.

“I see...” Was all I could say and walked out of there. But before I could fully walk out, I look over my shoulder. “If you have the antidote, give it and leave.” I told him. And I left to go back to Cassy's room.

“Your Highness, Lady Cassandra, she's getting worse!” Cassandra's maidservant came rushing to me. I ran straight inside her room and saw that she has gone too pale and more cold sweats damped her body.

I held her body close to me and she was shivering, shivering so much.

“Cassy, don't worry.” I cradled her in my arms. “The antidotes already here, just hang on for a bit.” I say and held her even tighter.

Please, please, don't let go! I'm here already; if any God/Goddess here's this prayer, please don't let her die! I beg you!

“Oh my, a respectable Crown Prince is crying, for a girl.” I shot him a deadly glare, but he wasn't even phased by that. “Step aside, Your Royal Highness.” He got something out of his coat, it was a vial.

“Morf thaed ot efil, efil ot thaed, esir dlihc fo eht revig fo efil!” He chanted. Light emerge from Cassy's body and a mist of purple smoke came out from her mouth.

“The venom...” Adonis mumbles.

“My job here is done.” He was about to leave when he stop in his tracks.
“G-gideon....Y, you.. owe me... Celia...” A weak voice shakily says, and then silence.


Gideon, I fucking hate you. You dare steal my woman.

Author's Note:

Hehe 😓

Hi everyone! Sorry late update again, I got writer's block and my phone got confiscated because I was spending more time scrolling through TikTok, reading, writing and just generally play games on my phone, so yeah!

But hey, now I can finally update!

And a little heads up to you all, New characters will appear in the next chapters, and more clues up a head!

Have you guys figured some things out? Haha if not then I suggest you guys pay attention to the next chapters because I'll put more clues there.

And I think that's all that I needed to tell you all.

So, see you guys in the next chapter!

That's all,

Love lots Han❤️🐝

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