Chapter 15 - Rava

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Chapter 15 - Rava

Author's Note:

HEHEHEHE hello hanybees, I'm back at it again with another update and there's a lot of clues I've put here. Good luck on finding them and putting the clues together!

‡ Unknown's point of view ‡

I grin menacingly. "I have found you my Rava. How I've missed you so." I gaze down from where I was and saw her walk out of the building.

"My Lord, the lady has gone back to the manor. What is our next step now?" I smirked. "Our next step? It's getting me inside the manor, without being found out."

*Time skip*

(A week after)

"Sir Glaidious, it's good to see you. I'm Charles Boyce, Head butler of the House of Martyrs." I smile. "Thank you for inviting me, Charles."

He toured me around the Manor. Huh. The House of Martyr's Castle is far more magnificent than I imagined. The whole structure of it, and even the land that it is standing on is overflowing with magic.

"Sir Glaidious? Sir? Sir?" I snap out of my trance. "Yes?" He was frowning. Oh no! I need to act normal. "I'm sorry, I was just simply in awe with the manor." He was still frowning but his hostile stance seem to slightly disperse.

"Alright then. This is the Duke's study." He nodded to the two guards. The guards opened the door.

I went in but in the corner of my eye, I saw the royal emblem. They're royal knight guards.

"Your Grace." I bowed my head to him. "I am Draecon Glaidious, The best scholar alchemist." He didn't look up, not even impressed.

"You better be, it's my little girl's life we're talking about. You better find out who poisoned her and poison that person, painfully." His coldness sent shivers in my body.

"Yes, Your Grace." He waved his hand. "Leave." He simply says. I left immediately.

Leaving, I now have a perfectly conjured plan embedded in my head. I whistled, calling for my pet.

"Give this to the others." I said, releasing it.

I slept well that night.

✿Cassy's point of view✿

I woke up in a sweaty mess. Another nightmare.

"Rose!" I hollered for her. "Yes? You called?" I looked up to her. "I had another one." Her eyes changed color.

"Tell me about it?" I nodded.

- in dream -

I was running through the castle halls. There was nobody here but me. I called for someone, I called for Rose, for Mom, for Grandma, just anybody.

"Rava..." I froze. No, it can't be him. That man. No. Please, no.

"Deacon..." I mumbled.

"Ah it's nice that you still remember me, Rava." He smiled. I hate the way he smiles. "RASHMA BIRNYA DEACON!" I shouted at him. But this vile being just simply laughed.

"Kirya Befna Ghadi, Rava." He says. He came close to me, with a sword at hand, and impales me.

"eid won dlihc fo eht thgil." He says.

I woke up, beads of sweat dripping from my body. I panted, my gaze darts everywhere.

"Someone, I need someone! Rose! Rose! I need you here! Rose!" I shouted. I was already out of my bed and walking down the halls of my wing.

"Cass? What are you doing awake at this hour?" It was Adonis who I encountered in the halls of my wing.

"I, I was just," I wasn't able to complete my words, I was too disoriented from my dream that I was too shaken to speak.

"Hey," He starts to walk towards me. "Breathe, Cass, Breathe." I start to breathe in deeply. "You okay now?" He asked. I nodded.

"Now, tell me, why are you still awake?" He has a serious look on his face. Then the dream flashes back in my mind.

"No! No! No! No!"

"Cassy, it's okay. Shh, it's okay, you don't have to tell me." He cradles me in his arms, rocking me back and forth.

We stayed like that, until I fell back asleep.

‡Adonis's Point of view‡

I was doing my late night round ups, when I saw Cassy walking around the halls looking a bit disoriented and distressed.

"Cass? What are you doing awake at this hour?" She looks a bit disoriented and distressed. "I, I was just," She struggles to finish her words.

"Hey," I slowly walk towards her. "Breathe, Cass. Breathe." I told her. She began to slowly take deep breaths.

"You okay now?" I asked her. She slowly nods. "Okay, can you tell me why are you still awake?" She froze. Her breathing starts to pace up.

"Cassy, it's okay. Shh, it's okay, you don't have to tell me." I start to rock her back in forth, cradling her in my arms. I didn't want to trigger her more, so we stayed like this until she falls asleep.

I looked down at her. I didn't realize, not until I've seen her this close, she really does look like Mom. I kissed her forehead, and with her still in my arms, I brought us to her room.

I laid her there, gently. This is the second time that I'm here, and this is the only time I noticed. Her room doesn't have any portrait of herself.

Her room is filled with our family portraits, but none was her's or none was she in any of it.

I stopped, seeing one portrait.

It's a portrait of us. Dad, Mom and Alex, Alastair and I. Mom was pregnant in this portrait, She looked so happy, and all of us are too.

"Mom..." My voice is shaking, trying not to break. But damn it, I miss her. I miss Mom so much.

"I hate you so much..... I really hate you so much, Mom." I cried that night.

Author's Note:

Hello Hanybees, it's your super late updater, Han! I'm terribly sorry for not updating, even though I promised. I was busy with my studies as usual.

I'm doing a research for sleep deprived students and how that effects their academic performance. So yeah, I've been extremely busy.

But here it is, an update. I'll try and update as soon as I can.

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