03 - Start

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Author's Note: the picture above is what my vision of Alexander would look like.

The picture is not mine, all the credits to the owner.

Chapter 03 -

☆Alexander's point of view☆

"Mother, will my fourth sibling be a girl or a boy? I hope it's a boy again, so that Alastair, Adonis and I can play with him!" I told my mother excitedly, with the biggest smile I had on my face.

My mother patted my head softly and said; "Alexander, no matter what gender your sibling is, I want you to promise me that you'll protect her no matter what, okay?" I nod my head and put my right arm in my chest promising her that I'll protect my baby sibling.

That day, I happily played and spent time with my mom and brothers. But little did we know, it would be the last time we'll be seeing our mother.

"The poor young masters, they lost their mother after she given birth to the young miss!" I heard one maid said.

"Yes, the Duchess was too young to have passed away! It must be because the child brings misfortune!" Another one said.

"I heard when the child was born, it's eyes were blood red and it's hair was silver! Then it change! The child is cursed and is a misfortune to this family!" And yet another maid said.

I snapped at the words their spouting. My sister, my only sister is indeed the cause of my dearest Mother's passing! I will never forgive her! Never!

Years later...

"Hello, Brother! Good morning to you!" An annoying high pitched voice greeted me.

Her again. I thought.

"What do you want?" I coldly said to her. She smiled and bowed her head.
"I'm here to greet the first young master, my brother!" She said, with a smile.

Her smile, it always reminds me of Mother. The way she smiles is so identical to Mother, actually, everything about her is identical to Mother.

I hated it.

"Stupid." I spat harshly at her. "Never do this ever again, or else..." I threatened her.

But she just smiled at that and stood there like an idiot as I left her behind. As I was leaving, I heard someone scolding somebody and a little girl's cry of pain were heard afterwards.

I looked behind and saw my sister's swollen crying face. She is being scolded by the head maid, I don't know why though.

But I did hear the head maid's scolding quite a bit.

"You little brat! How many times have I told you to stop running around and just do your job! You cursed brat! You brought nothing but misfortune to me!" Said the head maid to her.

She dipped her head down and sniffled as she apologize to the head maid. "I-I'm s-sorry, ma'am... It w-will n-never happen a-again." She was stuttering a bit as she spoke, she sounded afraid too.

But I didn't meddle with it, it's none of my business anyways.


"Hey, the brat's not trying to chat with us, she's not even sitting next to us!" Adonis curiously said. Alastair and I didn't really care but it is indeed odd of her to do so.

But before I could even thought of any reason, Adonis already went to find out about it himself.

"Hey you! Why are you sitting there? You did something wrong today, didn't you? That's why you're sitting far away from us! Why? Is it that bad that you must sit so far?" He aggressively asked Cassy. But his question was not answered.

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