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"Becca, come on you have to get up," Bucky whispered as he lightly shook his sleeping, six year old daughter. Becca's face twisted up in discontent as she attempted to pull her blanket up to prevent having to go to school.

"Sweetheart, don't make me turn on the lights," Bucky threatened lightly, not wanting to turn on the lights himself but he needed her to get up. They had to be leaving for school in thirty minutes, he'd already been up for an hour and a half preparing for the day.

Becca groaned at that threat, knowing he'd do just that if it meant she'd finally wake up. She threw her hands over her face and peaked through them, her blue eyes catching his.

Becca was Bucky's twin with her brown hair and blue eyes, she got way more of his genes that she did her mother's. A fact that made Dot angry every time any of Bucky's family brought it up. When Dot walked out on them Becca was two. She hadn't known her mother long enough to miss her, but Bucky knew that there was a mom shaped hole that he would never be able to fill completely, but he'd be damned if he didn't try.

"But daddy I don't wanna go to school," Becca whispered from behind the safety of her hands, trying not to make eye contact with her dad.

"Why not, Bex? You were all excited about going to first grade last week, what changed your mind?" Bucky asked quietly, trying to find out where his daughters sudden fear of the first grade had come from.

"Because you're not my teacher," she whispered, looking down at her hands and avoiding Bucky's face. His heart dropped. He knew that Becca had been hoping he would be her teacher, but since he was her father that wasn't going to happen. Their school liked to avoid the "my parent is my teacher" stereotype and placed the kids with other teachers instead.

"I know, sweetheart. But you know who is your teacher?" He responded, smoothing her brown curls as she looked at him with those big blue eyes, shaking her head no. So Bucky whispered, "Uncle Stevie."

Becca's eyes grew three sizes and next thing Bucky knew she was throwing off her blanket and running to the closet, "UNCLE STEVIE IS MY TEACHER!?"

Bucky chuckled as he watched Becca's curls fly around her head wildly as she tried to find "the best outfit for the best teacher EVER!", though that last statement hurt Bucky just a little bit.

"Alright Bex, calm down. Now. Let me see what you plan on wearing," he said, his hands on his hips. He didn't care what Becca wore to school but sometimes she liked to play dress up just a little too much. Becca showed him her outfit and he nodded his head in approval.

"Alright kiddo, I've got breakfast ready. Let's go eat real fast then you can get changed, brush your teeth and we'll be off to see Mr. Rogers." At that, Becca zoomed past Bucky to the kitchen and he swore he'd never seen a kid eat faster, and he'd had plenty of lunch duties in his day. 

As Bucky finished packing their lunches and fixing his togo coffee, he listened to Becca chatter on about how excited she was to be in Uncle Steve's class and how she was scared that she'd forget to call him Mr. Rogers and how many friends she was going to make, the last statement making Bucky chuckle as he shook his head. Becca didn't know a stranger. She made friends everywhere she went. Suffice to say, she got that skill from her mother. The difference? Dot made friends at the drop of a hat, but she was terrible at maintaining those friendships. Bucky was physically pulled out of his thoughts by his six year old tugging at his slacks, "okay daddy! I'm all ready!" 

Focusing on Becca, Bucky had to hold back a laugh. While his daughter had managed to put on her clothes correctly, right side out and everything, her hair was a different story. The chestnut curls looked like they hadn't seen a brush in days, and knowing how busy he'd been setting up his classroom and getting ready for the school year, it probably had been that long. "Okay, Becca-Bug. We need to fix this hair, now run and grab your brush so we can head out. Daddy can't be late for the first day of school," he said with his hands on his hips trying to put on as serious a face as possible, the action nearly impossible with a giggling six year old running from him. He couldn't help but think, "this is gonna be a long year."

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