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A/N: smut ahead. Read if you dare lol

The last week of the semester before Winter break flew by. The kids had a Holiday party in Bucky's class and you had even brought cupcakes for everyone in celebration of Avery's birthday. The whole class had sang Happy Birthday and you had watched on happily as your typically shy daughter introduced you to her other friends. Bucky swore that every time he saw you interact with Becca and Avery his heart grew two sizes.

Speaking of Becca, she had been begging you and Bucky all week at pickup to let Avery spend the night with her at Bucky's mom's house Friday night so the two of them could have a "best friend birthday sleepover." The two of you had finally given in after making sure with Winnie that she was up to watching two rambunctious six year olds. She had assured you that she could do it, claiming her experience watching Steve and Bucky in their childhood, and she had let you know that Becca would be coming home for Christmas Friday night so you would have the opportunity to meet her on Saturday when you picked Avery up, a suspiciously knowing and pointed look on her face. But you and Bucky could care less. With Avery and Becca spending the night with his ma, it meant that Bucky could have you all to himself tonight. The two of you tried to find at least one night a week for date night but it really was getting more and more difficult to hide it from increasingly suspicious mothers. You helped him finish cleaning up his classroom as the girls played with the dry erase markers at the white board, drawing up all the toys and presents they had asked their parents for. Even though the situationship that the two of you were in had been going on for a little over three months now, you still had not told your parents or the girls the truth, and so the two of you had made the decision not to get each other anything for Christmas as that would definitely out you to your families.

Every now and then Bucky would look up and catch your eye, a secretive grin appearing on your lips. You had informed him a few weeks ago that there was something thrilling about keeping your relationship a secret from your parents and Bucky had joked, "you must've been a goody two shoes, huh?" Bucky could see the truth in your eyes and it just made him laugh, you had nudged him in the ribs and told him it wasn't funny which only spurred him on. You had brought Avery's overnight bag when you came to the holiday party so that Winnie could pick the girls up from school and Bucky was itching to get his hands on you. Good thing he didn't have to wait much longer because his mother showed up in her large winter coat, wide blue eyes scanning his classroom for her granddaughter and her practically adopted granddaughter. Both girls squealed as they noticed Winnie and screams of "Nana!" and "Mrs. Winnie!" echoed throughout the classroom causing you and Bucky to wince at the shrillness. You nodded a hello to Bucky's mom and he headed to give her a hug. Wrapping his arms around her she gave Bucky her signature red lipsticked kiss on the cheek causing him to groan and you to laugh.

"Now what are your plans tonight, sweetheart? Are you sure there's no way I can convince you to help me corral these two hoodlums?" Winnie questioned jokingly causing Bucky to chuckle in response.

"Sorry Ma, no can do. I'm going out tonight," the words slipped past Bucky's lips too easily and it wasn't until he looked at you, standing behind his mom with eyes the size of sand dollars, that he realized what he'd said. Bucky held his breath as he waited for his mom to respond.

"Oh? With who?" Winnie questioned, eyes narrowing slightly as if to read Bucky's mind.


"Oh with Steve. Yeah, good ole Steve. The punk and I go out to Nat's place at the end of every semester. So. Just the two of us, couple of drinks. And then I'll be there to see Bex bright and early," Bucky barely stumbled his way through the lie. He chanced a look at you over his mom's shoulder and saw you rubbing your eyes exasperatedly with your hand, but he also thought he saw a breath of relief leave you as his mom backs down from the Spanish Inquisition with a small hmph. She re-centered attention on Becca and Avery and told them to pack up their backpacks so they could both have fun at Nana's house. Next thing Bucky knew the girls were giving you and him hugs and racing to see who could make it down the hall faster. Winnie called out a goodbye to you and told you to just pick Avery up whenever tomorrow, she'd be more than happy to watch the two girls for however long you wanted. Bucky watched you interact with his mom as she gave you a hug, his heart beating faster at the affection and attention you gave his family.

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