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a/n: this chapter is gonna be a lil smutty, lil fluffy....and a lil angsty...oops.


The last three months, officially, with Bucky were some of the happiest of your life. You hadn't felt this same level of happiness since Avery was born. The girls grew more and more excited as they got to spend more time together, and you and Bucky got more and more excited as well. Things were good. Bucky was busy preparing for Spring Break, just in time for Bucky's birthday, and you were busy finishing up your research on some potential companies to invest in and work with for the spring quarter, as well as planning Bucky's birthday dinner. You ran L/N Enterprises a little differently than your father had. You preferred to make contact with different companies that wanted, and in many cases needed, your investment. You made sure that every company submitted a proposal including history about their company and their future plans should you invest in them. You only had one more to get through and you could go home. Home to Bucky and the girls. He was hosting their sleepover for the weekend, as well as yours. You rubbed your eyes and looked at the time, the clock was hitting midnight, and you groaned. This last proposal was difficult to get through, partially because the company, HYDRA Corp, hadn't seemed to do any of their own research. They were requesting help with their "top of the line, next-gen. prosthetics," but what they didn't know is you had already invested and Udaku Tech, T'Challa and Shuri were sure easy to commit to. HYDRA just didn't seem to care if you actually invested in them or not. If they'd just done a simple google search they could've seen you already invested in one of their competitors and you weren't looking to boot out the Udakus. But you'd let them know that on Monday at your meeting.

After two more hours you were finally slipping out of your office and into your car as you drove down the somewhat empty streets to Bucky's place. You knew he'd be asleep. The girls always put the two of you to sleep pretty quickly. They were full of six and seven year old energy that you and Bucky hadn't had in years. As you slipped the key into the lock and quietly opened the door to Bucky's place you were greeted by silence and a bit of a mess, the light from the stove making it easier to see as you kicked your shoes off. The girls had toys strewn all over the living room and you had to walk gingerly so as not to step on a lego or twist your ankle. You stopped by Becca's room before making your way to Bucky's and you saw the girls sound asleep, Becca's unicorn night light casting a soft glow over the room. Satisfied, you made your way to Bucky's room.

Bucky was also fast asleep, his chest rising and falling slowly with each deep breath. He laid on his stomach, one hand under the pillow, and he looked more peaceful than anyone had the right to be. You swore every time you saw him your heart skipped a beat...or two...or three. A silly smile crept onto your lips as you stared at Bucky as he slept.

Alright creep, change clothes and stop staring at the man as he sleeps like you're Edward Cullen, your brain supplied as it kickstarted you into preparing for bed. You kept a few changes of clothes at Bucky's place, and he did the same at yours, for nights like this when you'd wind up together, but tonight you opened Bucky's drawer and picked out one of his shirts to wear to bed. The smell of Bucky's laundry detergent engulfed your senses as you pulled his shirt over your head, a sense of home. You brushed your teeth and wiped off your makeup as quick as possible before crawling under the covers next to an almost naked Bucky. You slowly took the position of big spoon and entwined your legs with him to pull him close to you. Bucky let out a sigh in his sleep that eventually led to him shifting in your direction before one blue eye was peaking out at you over thick brown lashes.

A sleepy smile took over Bucky's face as he realized it was you and he pulled you to his chest as you released a giggle. Bucky pressed a light, lazy kiss to your lips that quickly turned you both into hot, moaning messes. It wasn't long before Bucky's fingers were creeping under the hem of his shirt you wore to tweak your nipple, a breathy moan falling from your lips. Next thing you knew, you were pulling down the waistband of his underwear and moving your hand up and down his erection. The two of you continued to kiss, wet hot kisses eventually trailing up and down your jaw and neck, his tongue occasionally dipping out to lick a stripe up your neck as he moved one of his hands in between your legs to play with your clit. It wasn't until Bucky was rolling you over, pulling your underwear down and settling in between your legs that you finally broke apart.

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