Chapter Four

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I put my chin on my hand, leaning on the counter as I gazed out of the open door of the shop staring at the sunlight entering the door. It was a quiet day. A woman came by earlier to buy some herbs but that's about it.

I sighed and decided to leave early.

"Aunt Maria, I'm going out!" I called.

"Close the door when you leave!" she replied from the back room.

I carried my pouch over my shoulder and left the shop. It was late in the afternoon and I knew my friends will be in the arena hanging out by now.

It's been a few days since I told them about Lucas, and so far Lucas and I were still like friends. He started touching me more often now, on my arm, my shoulder, and sometimes my waist. He was always so nice and gentle about it but it still didn't feel right to me.

I walked down the arena seeing my friends in a circle talking.

I looked at Isabelle and she looked serious, when Isabelle is serious you know something's not right.

"Hey, guys," I greeted carefully.

They all turned to me and stopped talking.

"What?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

They looked uncomfortable. Alia stepped forward "We're talking about wars starting around the area," she said.

I nodded then narrowed my eyes. "What? Why are you guys looking at me weirdly," I asked.

Danielle sighed "She has the right to know. She was with us through it all," she said.

My heart started to race "You guys are making me nervous," I said.

Leo touched my arm, "All the wars that are happening, are wars started by Vitalis," she said.

I looked up at Leo who had worry in her eyes.

I shook my head, "But Vitalis already fell months ago," I said confused.

Leo shrugged, "They got back on their feet and they're out for revenge. Kingdom Trolux was attacked last night. They were the ones with us when we took down Vitalis," she said.

I nodded. I remember everything that happened that day like it only happened yesterday, fireballs everywhere and screaming and death.

I bit my lip "Why were you hesitant to tell me?" I asked. It didn't make sense, I wasn't new to the talk of wars.

They were quiet until Danielle spoke "There's only one heir that was left to rule Vitalis, and it's not me" she said.

I knew there was something. They talked a lot about wars, especially Leo. They never hid it from me.

"Malin," I said.

Danielle nodded, "She's taking over kingdom after kingdom and she's starting with the places that took them down. We are one of those places," she explained.

I shook my head thinking that there is no way Malin could've done this. No, Malin couldn't have done it.

"I see the doubt in your eyes. That's why we were hesitant to tell you" Danielle said with a shake of her head.

I turned to her with narrowed eyes, "Can we at least give her the benefit of the doubt Danielle, she's still your cousin, and she was the one who was helping us the entire time Isabelle was missing even though she was mourning her father at the same time," I said.

Ramona walked towards me and held both of my shoulders and moved her face closer to mine "She's a bad person Natalia, you know that. We're starting to wonder about your scar if it has anything to do with this," she said.

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