Chapter Forty-Two

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Natalia POV
· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·•· . ·' ♥ '· . ·•· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·

I left the shop and immediately started walking to the arena. This is our last day before the Vitalis army reaches our territory.

Everyone will be at the arena tonight. All the knights will have a bonfire for the last day of peace.

I reached the top of the arena and saw the spacious area below was already full of people. The large bonfire was lit up in the middle as everyone passed drinks and played music around it.

I looked around and immediately saw my group of friends.

I ran down the stairs holding my dress to not trip. I reached Isabelle who greeted me with a smile but a little dimmer than her usual smile.

I could understand. It's hard to be happy when we're less than a day before the war starts. "Hey, pretty," Isabelle greeted.

I stood beside her to give her a side hug and leaned my head on her shoulder as she reached her arm around my waist. Half of our group will be in the middle of that battlefield tomorrow, leading hundreds of thousands of knights. My heart clenched as I thought about Malin. I just found her and now there's a huge chance I might lose her.

I turned to see Alia talking with Leo in a hushed voice as Alia was close to tears. I knew she was worried especially now that Leo's a commander. She would prioritize the lives of her knights over her own.

"Where are the others?" I asked Isabelle because Ramona, Danielle, and Josh were nowhere to be seen.

Isabelle turned to me, "They're trying to set up the armory, but don't worry they're on their way here," she said while studying me for a little longer.

I leaned back and cleared my throat awkwardly from her stare, "What?"

"Is Malin coming?" She asked me, her brown eyes following every twitch and every motion of my body.

I kept my eyes on her. Isabelle has always had this strong intuition about everything. It sucks sometimes because occasionally she just speaks without a filter, but most of the time it feels good to have someone have a glimpse of what you're going through without you having to talk about it.

I bit my lip with uncertainty, "I hope so," I replied and Isabelle gave me a small smile for my admission.

I looked around just in time to see Leo give Alia a reassuring kiss on her forehead before they headed to us, holding hands.

"Hey," Alia greeted giving me a small smile even though I could see the trouble clouding her eyes. They always had this vibe around them every time Leo went to war. I understand how much trauma Alia must've had when Leo didn't return for eight months and had no news if she was even alive.

"Hey," I reached for her hand that wasn't clasped with Leo's and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Everything is going to be fine. I kept repeating in my head but I was getting nervous as more time passed by.

We headed for the bonfire and the people dispersed as Alia and Leo passed through. We sat around the bonfire in quiet silence as people around us tried to distract themselves from the incoming bloodbath tomorrow.

War is never forgiving and it never will be.

The loudness of the people wasn't enough to cover the sound of our heartbeats as they drummed with worry and anxiousness.

I watched as two knights danced around with their moonshine spilling as they moved around in their drunken state. I wish I could distract myself that easily.

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