Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Natalia POV
· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·•· . ·' ♥ '· . ·•· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·

After Lucas left, my friends tried to cheer me up. I didn't need cheering up, to be honest, I was okay, but I did feel a little bit guilty.

Lucas meant a lot to me and I feel a little bad for hurting him, he was one of my best friends and you can't just throw away all the memories, especially the good ones, but the feeling I felt most was relief.

I was free of the pressure of trying to keep him while his friendship was conditional. The pressure of giving him more than I was willing to give, with the risk of him leaving.

I hated him for it but I also hated myself for letting it go for so long.

I watched Alia and Leo as they went back to sword training, I couldn't help but think about Malin.

She was the one that got me back my confidence, I didn't know how, and I didn't know when. I was just glad that I'm back.

Those few weeks of vulnerability and weakness were enough to lose my self-assurance.

I'm sure I'll see Lucas again and if I do, I don't know what would happen. Would he still want to be friends? Or would he ignore me like those friends I used to have that wanted more?

I sighed. I don't want to think about this anymore.

"Hey," I turned to see Ramona move and sit beside me.

"Hey," I greeted back and went back to watching Alia and Leo.

"You okay?" She asked as she leaned forward to put her elbows on her knees.

I shrugged, "I'm fine, it's just annoying. Love and dating are annoying," I said.

I heard Ramona chuckle beside me, "You got that right. It's just fun when you're lucky." She said and nodded her head to Danielle and Leo who were both training their partners, "Like them."

I gave her a sad smile, "It's not just about luck you know," I faced her, knowing that some types of love need to be fought for. I don't even know why I'm talking to her about this. Ramona is the most anti-love person I've ever met and honestly, I'm not better than her.

She shrugged, "How can it not be? Seems like the stars just align and they live happily ever after." She said and used the pointed end of her sword to draw lines on the sand below her feet. "And some of us just float around in the sky," she said using the point of her sword to draw a lone star.

I turned to her, "Is that so bad?" I asked because I was content on my own, I didn't think much about love and romance while I was growing up. I just didn't see the purpose of being with someone.

You could cook on your own, you can go out on your own, can dance on your own, if you felt lonely you have friends, and if you want sex there are a lot of people looking for the same fleeting experience as you.

She leaned back to look up at the sky thinking, "I guess not, who even knows if were destined to be with one person, maybe were all meant to be alone. We were born alone and die alone. Isn't that what life is."

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