Chapter Thirty-One

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Malin POV
· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·•· . ·' ♥ '· . ·•· • – ٠ ✤ ٠ – • ·

For the two weeks that followed, I only focused on breaking the spell or I stayed in my room otherwise. I didn't walk and wander around the kingdom anymore. I was starting to get contented with staying in my room alone, I've done it for years so what're a few more weeks?

Natalia tried talking to me, but I avoided being alone with her as much as I can and only showed up when Maria was already present.

I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to revisit it. I don't even want to have a repeat of our steamy encounters even though it was the best sex I've ever had in my life. And trust me I've had many.

Honestly, I just couldn't get rid of the look she had on her face when her friends found out about us. She was so embarrassed. It didn't feel good.

The pain and rejection I felt that afternoon never left me. It was stuck in my heart like a barnacle on a boat.

I felt worthless. I felt like somehow she agreed with Lucas when he said that I didn't have anything to offer than a royal status and I barely even have that anymore.

She wanted me temporarily until the spell is broken, I just need to accept that. I can't even complain because I wanted her for the same. It wasn't her fault that somehow I wanted more.

I groaned when Natalia's hand landed on my chest bringing me back in the present. I was getting used to the pain of the spell breaking, it didn't feel as painful as it used to.

"We're getting so close," Maria smiled. At least one of us is happy.

My scar was fading a bit now. It was proof that the spell-breaking was working for the last two weeks. I don't know if us sleeping together had anything to do with it, but what matters is we're now having progress.

What Natalia doesn't know is the more we move forward with the breaking, the more I got weaker and the more I got closer to dying.

This just proves that I'm only alive because of Natalia. My body couldn't function on its own. Natalia is my life supply and she doesn't even know it.

The flame rose from the candles as Maria and Natalia continued their chants. Natalia doesn't even use her spell book anymore because she already memorized every word.

Maria said the spell-breaking was taking longer because she had to bypass my protection every time. The truth is I have no idea what they're talking about most of the time.

All I know is the sooner the bond is broken the sooner I get back to my normal life and then die in peace. So, why was I not happy?

I looked up at Natalia as she gave Maria a smile but her eyes told a different story. Was she also sad about the bond slowly fading? but even if she was, we already know that our attraction was a trick, we should know better. We already let it control us for a few weak moments.

But I still feel the dread of losing the only connection I have. Natalia cared about me because of the spell and I hate to lose that, even if that care was only a sham. I could always pretend it was real.

She would never have given me the time of day if it wasn't for the spell. She's beautiful, Independent, and has so many options in this kingdom alone. How can a broken, sick asshole compete for that?

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