What a lovely date between enemies

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Siren was having a hard time right now. No, not because Kappa accidentally poisoned him more than intended to, but part of it did have Kappa to do with it. He was pondering weather Kappa was a friend to him, or a little more than that. He knew that he couldn't be with Kappa so he's hoping that the feeling was only the poison. But he was excited for Wednesday. He cleared his entire week for that day.


Siren whistled as he walked through the woods. He fixed his jacket up and brushed back his hair. Did he look okay? He probably looks fine, right? "He-llo!!" Kappa sang from a branch above. "Woah. Your dressed up. Well you look nice nonetheless." Kappa jumped down infront of him. "Come on! I got everything set up!" Kappa grabbed onto Sirens hand making his face go a bright red.

At some point, Kappa turned around almost crashing into Siren. Siren looked down at the boy puzzled. "I'm gonna cover your eyes okay?" Kappa walked behind him and covered his eyes. Walking blindly, Sirens only instinct was to garb onto Kappas hands. He walked and walked, until he stepped off something. Being yanked from Kappa he could finally open his eyes to see that he had literally walked off a cliff.

"Prepare yourself Siren!" Kappa yelled jumping off. He dove down and reached for Siren. He wrapped his arms around the boy and tilted themselves up. He clapped his wings and landed them back up. "Holy shit! You almost killed us!" Siren said breathlessly. Kappa just laughed, Siren immediately stopped talking as he listened. Kappa noticed Siren staring at some point. "You okay? Your face is all red." Siren nodded quietly and kappa shrugged.


"Hey kappa, can we not fight today?" The two had finished eating and were sitting down with their legs hanging off the cliff. "Huh? Why? Is the antidote not working?" Siren shook his head. "No no, I just... don't feel too well that's all." He sighed. "Hey buddy. We can totally just chill if you want." Kappa smiled but Siren kept his gloomy face. "But..." Kappa put his finger on Sirens lips. "Hey. Don't worry, we'll never speak of this again." He stood up and walked over somewhere.

"Actually uh, I have something to give you." He bought his bag over and set it down sitting down next to it. "That looks, heavy?" Siren looked curiously at his bag. "Open it. You'll see." Siren slowly opened his bag and saw a ton of pictures. "Wait.... It this..." he picked one up and looked at it for awhile. It was the two of them, Siren had the dumbest surprised look on his face and Kappa was just smiling.

"08/19/34... that's almost two years ago!" Kappa laughed. "Look at your dumb face." Siren picked up another. "You've been holding onto these the whole time?" Kappa nodded proudly. "How could I not?" Now that made Siren smile.


So the two just ended up hanging out. They did a lot of fun stuff till the sun was going down. "Should you go back?" Kappa asked. There was a bit of sadness in his voice that Siren just couldn't shake off. "I don't have to." Kappa smiled widely. Sooner or later, the two fell asleep sat against a tree. Probably hours later, Siren woke up to Kappa shaking him. "I don't wanna get up yet." He mumbled.

Kappa came closer and whispered in his ear. "Wake up querido." Siren felt his breath against his neck and jolted his head up. "Well that woke you up." Kappa laughed while Sirens face got even more red. "What's with you and knowing so many languages?" Siren groaned tilting his head back to attempt to hide his face. "I mean I only know like four." He shrugged. "But anyways, look." Siren looked to where Kappa had pointed and gasped.

He had never seen such a beautiful night sky before. Millions of stars scattered the sky, purple and blue shades covering the land. He looked over at Kappa who was also looking at the sky. For awhile, he just stared. "It's beautiful right?" Kappa asked not taking his eyes off the sky. "..Your beautiful..." Siren mumbled. "What?" Siren had just realized what he said when it was already too late.

"Nothing!" A smile appeared on his face, and then he started laughing nonstop. You could almost mistake Siren for a tomato he was so red. Kappa suddenly stood and reached his hand out for Siren. "Come on." Siren took his hand and Kappa pulled him up dragging him towards the cliff. "Uh, Kappa?" Kappa laughed as he struggled. "Don't worry. I'm not going to kill you on our first date."

Kappa jumped down dragging Siren along with him. When they were about to hit the water, Kappa pulled Siren close and spread his wings. The two lifted higher and higher into the air, Siren held on very tightly to Kappa. "Hey Siren! Look!" Hesitantly, Siren lifted his head and looked. Hundreds of feet in the air and almost touching the clouds. "Thanks for terrifying me I guess!" He yelled.

"No idiot, look up!" Siren looked up. Seeing the sky at this view was much different than on a cliff.

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