The First Meeting

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"Jade! James! Hurry or we'll miss the train". Our mum shouted up to me and my brother.
I looked at James who smirked and pressed the Invisibility cloak, we got from dad, in to his trunk. I smirked back, watch out Hogwarts for here comes two prankster twins.
"We're coming Mum"
Jade Potter was in a lot of ways like her brother, they both had unruly dark curly hair and hazel eyes. They both loved quidditch, James a tad bit more as he was constantly talking about it and wanted to become a famous quidditch player. The difference between the two was the lack of arrogance, and love for reading from Jade and she was a metamorphmagus which James was not, oh and also the fact that she was a girl.

When we reached the platform we gave our mum and dad a hug, and hurried on to the train to look for a compartment.
We found one at the back of the train with just one other person in it. I was on my way to knock when James just opened the door and walked in. The boy looked up, he had black hair and grey eyes, that i thought looked very beautiful, but he also had quite an arrogant look upon his face.
"Hey mate, were gonna sit here, everywhere else is full. I'm James Potter by the way and this is my sister Jade". James said as he reached out his hand to the boy.
The boy raised his eyebrows and looked at us and said.
"Hey, I'm Sirius Black. And please sit down, are you guys first years as me?"

Sirius and James immediately became friends and were already talking about quidditch and just when I was gonna take out my book and read, the compartment door slid open and two boys stood in the frame.

"Hello, would it be okay if we sit here? we couldn't find another compartment for the both of us" The boy who said all this sounded very polite and he had light brown hair and green eyes, his face had long scars all over the place.

"Of course, please take a seat" Sirius said and then stated. "This is James Potter and his twin sister Jade. And I'm Sirius Black, what's your names?"

The tall green eyed boy smiled and said "I'm Remus Lupin, and this is Peter Pettigrew" he pointed at the short mousy brown haired boy, who looked very nervous and said "H-hello".

After a while all of us had gotten to know each other very well and were laughing and talking.

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