Quidditch And Hidden Talents

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It was once again quidditch and Frank was trying to have a 'pepp talk' without sounding like Wood.

"Okay Men!"

"And Women!" Marlene, Alice and I interrupted

"And Women" Frank smiled. "We're playing The Hufflepuffs and-"

"This is starting to feel a lot like Wood"

"Shh! Sirius, let the man speak"

"Sorry Love! Go on Frank! But 'siriously' can't you make it more entertaining"

"You want entertaining Black, okay sure I'll give you entertaining"

Frank stood up on the bench and burst out in song


Everyone laughed

"No but really tho, I just need all of you guys to be on your A-game. Do that and we'll have this in the bag"

"Yes sir" the teammates echoed

They stepped out on the pitch to tumultuous applause.


The game had been going on for a while and Gryffindor were leading by 50 points. Alice flew past Jade grinning.

"Hey Jade! Have you seen any snitches flying past?"

"Nope Ali! I've been to busy turning bludgers away from everyone"

Just then Amos Diggory were shooting past.

"I think Amos might have seen it thoo, Al! Hurry!"

And Alice flew her fastest trying to be the first one to catch the snitch.

During this time James and Marlene managed to score a few more goals and then Amos Diggory caught the snitch. Making it so that Hufflepuff won with just 50 points over Gryffindor.

"Team, changing room! Now!" Frank said

The team were hanging out in the changing room when Frank spoke

"Guys! We lost by only 50 points, which means if they lose to the Claws, and the claws win against the snakes. Well all we have to do is win against Slytherin and then we're in the finals against Ravenclaw"

"So we practice harder and hope Amos loses to Chang, and Chang beats Black and Alice catches the snitch before Regulus and we're in the final" James said

"Done! Well do it! We'll practice even harder" Marlene said

And the whole team agreed to practice harder than ever to win.


Hufflepuff lost to Ravenclaw and Ravenclaw won against Slytherin. So all was looking good for Gryffindor.

"I'm actually nervous about our next game, the Slytherins are know for playing dirty"

"It'll be fine Jade" James assured his sister

"Yeah! They've got nothing against you and Sirius you are unstoppable as beaters."

"Thanks Pete!"



Gryffindor had won against Slytherin and now it was the day of the last game of the year.

Ravenclaw vs. Gryffindor

And the spirits were high in the audience. Remus and Peter sat and chatted.

"Jade was very nervous "

"Yeah. But she'll be fine, she's always nervous but always end up doing great "

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