The Sneaky Slytherin Attack

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A few days after the Ball, the boys and Jade were sitting in the boys dorm,studying. Or at least Remus, Jade and Peter did try their best to study while their rowdy friends were immersed in a pillow fight.

"Fucks sake, Prongs, Pads! I'm trying to study" Remus burst out after a while

Sirius and James pointed at him and shouted

"Swearwolf! Swearwolf!"

"Jade, will you please tell your brother and boyfriend to calm down a little" he said but he smiled

"James Fleamont Potter! Sirius Orion Black! Sit down! Stop shouting and do your homework!"

They calmed down, looking very scared as Jade has used their full names.

"Yes Ma'am!" They said together and took out their home work.

"Did I hear you say boyfriend? " James said to Remus and then turned around to Jade and said

"Have you guys even talked about it?"

"No! Maybe we should" Jade answered and went to Sirius bed to sit down.

"I overheard, do you officially want to be my girlfriend?"

"Yes! Sirius I'd love to. Although I already thought I were"

He smiled and said

"Boys! It's official Vix is my girlfriend!"

"Yeey! Finally" Peter said

"About damn time" Remus said

"Hey Moony, we know it's close to the full moon but are you aware that you are a bit rude or maybe testy"

"Yes James! I'm aware"

"Aware wolf!" Sirius said looking proud over his pun

He got glares from all of us.

"I know I am! And I'm sorry, guys my limbs just hurt a lot and I'm tired"

"It's okay Moony"

"Yeah we understand"

They all looked at each other sadly.
Wishing that they would become Animagi soon.


The last day of winter break Jade and the girls were sitting in their dorm chatting.

Jade had decided to make sure her and Lily were on great terms, before the spring term started.

"Look Ev-Lily! I'm sorry for everything, but I just wanted to say that the only reason I'm rude towards Sniv-Snape is if his rude towards my friends, especially Pete, who I'm very protective over"

Lily looked at Jade and said

"I understand! And I know he can be rude and nasty, but Potter and Black isn't really helpful."

"Oh believe me I know! They are arrogant arseholes both of them, I'm working on it"

"Okay, then Let's start over Jade"

"Yes let's"

They smiled at each other and Marlene cleared her throat and said

"Erhm! I have something to tell you guys"

"Shoot Marls! Although I think I already know" Lily said

Marlene started to blush.

"I think..No! I know that I have a Crush on Dorcas"

"I knew it! I knew it! Ha! See Ali, I told you didn't I"

"Ok! Jade take it easy, you were right "

"So Marls! What are we going to do about it! Jade you're better friends with Dorcas and Mary, do you have any Ideas?" Lily asked

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