The First Day at Hogwarts

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I spoke with Lily during the dinner, and got to know that her parents are muggles and she has a sister who is also a muggle. She seemed like a kind and studious girl, and she also did not seem to likey brother and Sirius particularly much, since they were talking ,or more like bragging about quidditch. James had also given her a compliment "Hey you are cute, I'm cute let's date" wich would be nice if he hadn't left a compliment for himself in the same sentence. He had also commented on the Snape boys greasy hair "Does he not own a shower,look at his hair it's so greasy", and apparently Lily and Sev as she called him were friends. I think we need to work on James's people skills, or maybe just teach him to think before he talks.
Lily also stated clearly that she liked me and did not hold my "unfortunate relation" as she called it, to James against me.

When the dinner was done a prefect showed us the way to our common room and the boys and girls dormitories. I said goodnight to my brother and the boys, we decided to wait for each other tomorrow to eat breakfast together, and walked in to my dormitory. In there I was met by three girls chatting with each other, one of them being Lily and she introduced me to the other two, Alice Fortescue and Marlene McKinnon. The girls seemed to know each other and Lily told me that it was because they had shared a compartment on the train together, and also with two other girls called Dorcas Meadowes and Mary McDonald. But both Dorcas and Mary were put in Hufflepuff.

The next morning I woke up quite early, I was excited to start my lessons. When I came down to the common room I saw James and the boys waiting for me, we went down to breakfast together. When we sat down James said "Jay-Jay (that's his nickname for me), me and the boys, or more specifically, me and Sirius here have been thinking".

"Good for you, thinking and all! Wow I've got to write to mum and dad and tell them, they'll be thrilled!" I answered.

He made a face at me and continued "Well we want to do a prank, you know so the people in this school get to know who we really are, and we also need an excuse to use my invisibility cloak".

"Our cloak, you mean"

"Yeah yeah, anyway Sirius here we're thinking something along the lines of something changing colours, but we all need to help to figure out what and how ".

Sirius gave a smirk as Peter started to eat. Remus looked intrigued.

"Well Jamie-boy (my nickname for him), we don't even know a charm for changing colours on something" I said.

Remus smiled and said "True, you guys don't, but I actually do!"

"See Jay-Jay, we have brilliant friends. Remmy you are a genius!!"

I laughed at my brothers comment, and we all decided that we would plan our prank in the evening.


After dinner we went up to the common room, and to the boys dorms and started planning our first ever prank! I was happy that me and my brother had found three like-minded people to take this school by storm with.
We planned to execute our prank at breakfast tomorrow and with that I went up to my dorm to talk a little with the girls and then go to sleep.
Excited for what was waiting tomorrow!

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