Chapter 2

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The sound of the alarm of her phone wakes Jisoo up. She changes into her uniform. Her wounds from last night still hurts a lot. She slowly walks to the kitchen and makes breakfast. 

Her father walks out of his room and slams the door. He opens the fridge and drinks a can of beer. After he finished, he throws it on the ground.

Jisoo finishes making the breakfast and puts it on the table. Her father doesn't even taste his breakfast and quickly smashes his plate on the floor. Jisoo shudders in fear. 

"Pick it up, you animal!" He yells in a fit of rage. 

Jisoo bends down on her two knees and starts picking the shattered glass up with her hands.

"Look at me, you fucking brat!" He shrieks.

Jisoo hesitantly looks at her father. Her father slaps Jisoo then walks out of the apartment to go to the casino.

Jisoo picks up the shattered glass. Then, eats her breakfast alone and packs her lunch box before putting it in her school bag. 

She cleans the dishes before walking to school. Along the way, she sees Lisa, her best friend, and her motivation, joining her walk to school.

"Are you okay?" Lisa asked. "Why the long face?"

"It's nothing, just... tired." Jisoo sighs.

On the way, Jennie and Chaeyoung, 2 of Jisoo's other friends joins them on the walk to school. If only Jisoo can tell them how she really feels, if only. 

"You okay?" Jennie asks, noticing how sick Jisoo looked.

Jisoo nods. Her lying to her friends makes her stomach hurt even more than the wounds on her stomach. She clenches onto her stomach.     

"Do you have a stomachache?" Chaeyoung asks.

"It's nothing." Jisoo denied.

Lisa knows Jisoo better than any of them. One thing she knows about Jisoo is that no matter how bad or sick she is feeling, she never makes people worry about her or give her attention. 

Lisa holds Jisoo's hand which made her wince from the cuts she got this morning, picking up the broken glass.

"Is your hand ok?" Lisa asked, worried. She looks at Jisoo's hand. She sees that there are fresh scars on her hands.

"What happened?" Lisa asks, visibly concerned. 

Jennie and Chaeyoung stopped in their tracks after noticing that Lisa and Jisoo stopped too. Jennie and Chaeyoung walks over to them.

"Seriously, Jisoo. You can tell me anything, you can tell us anything." Lisa reassures her. 

Jennie and Chaeyoung also notices the cuts and scars on Jisoo's hand.

"I just scraped it..." Jisoo said before taking her hand back. 

Lisa, Jennie and Chaeyoung all know that Jisoo is lying. It is always very obvious, whenever she lies, she won't look them in the eye when saying it. 

"If you say so. But if you get hurt by someone, just tell us, we're your friends. You can tell us anything, okay?" Jennie says, concerned. 

Chaeyoung ruffles Jisoo's hair like she's a little kid. They then continue walking to school together.

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