Chapter 5

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"You should get some rest." Lisa mentions.

"I have to go home, my parents are worried." Chaeyoung says in a sad voice. "But I promise I'll bring you something next time I visit, okay?"

Jisoo nods.

"I am going to go home and take a shower too, I'll come back later today." Jennie said with a smile.

Chaeyoung and Jennie walks out of the room, leaving Lisa and Jisoo together.

Lisa turns around and already sees Jisoo asleep.

"Damn, those sleeping pills worked, huh?" Lisa jokes. She gently kisses Jisoo on her forehead, making sure not to wake her up. "You're so beautiful, and your smile... it's really something else. I really like you." Lisa confesses. "But here I am, talking to an asleep you. I'm such a coward."

Jisoo was not asleep yet, she secretly listens to what Lisa has to say.

"You're not a coward." Jisoo replied before opening her eyes.

Lisa blushed, embarrassingly, knowing that Jisoo heard all of it. Even while putting up with all the pain in the body, she leans Lisa in for a kiss. It makes Lisa's heart skip a beat. 

"Sorry, I really should've asked." Jisoo apologized while blushing.

Lisa smiled, the smile was so bright, so genuine, so warm. It reminds Jisoo of her mother's picture. Tears rolls down her cheeks. 

"Oh god, Jisoo. Why are you crying?" Lisa asked before holding her in for a hug.

Jisoo looks up to Lisa as her motherly figure. Jisoo rubs her tears away. She still remembers, to this day what her mother had said to her before she went away.


"Jisoo-ah. I'm going on a very long vacation, okay? I will see you soon." Her mother said while tears escapes from her eyes.

"Umma, why are you crying? Have fun." The naive and innocent, young Jisoo replied with a warm, loving smile.

Not knowing it was the last time she would see her own mother, the mother that used to take her out on the park for walks, the mother that taught her how to make breakfast, the mother that never fails to put a smile on her loving daughter's face.

*End of Flashback*

Tears fills Jisoo's eyes. Lisa wipes Jisoo's tears with a handkerchief. 

"Will you leave me?" Jisoo asked, terrified of another person she is closest with, abandoning her. It hurts for Lisa to see Jisoo in such condition.

"No, never. I will never leave you." Lisa replied before giving Jisoo a peck on her lips. "Now go to bed." 

Jisoo follows Lisa's orders just like her real mother, she tucks herself to bed while Lisa pats her to sleep.

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