Chapter 4

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Jisoo wakes up to find herself having a fever. Her throat still hurts, her stomach hurts even more and her head hurts the most. She makes breakfast just like any other day. 

She sees her father asleep on the couch, still with cans and cans of beer on the table. She clears the table out and makes breakfast on her own. 

She quickly gets out of the house after washing the dishes and preparing her own lunch. She doesn't want her father to wake up when she is in the house. She walks to school having a major headache. 

Her breathing gets more inconsistent each step. When she gets to Lisa's block. Lisa quickly walks with her. Jisoo feels more light headed step by step. Suddenly, she collapses into Lisa's arms.


Jisoo wakes up with her friends by her side. Lisa hugs her tightly, seeing her awake.

"Why didn't you tell us about people hurting you?" Lisa asks.

"The doctor told us after some check ups." Chaeyoung explains.

"Who was it?" Jennie asked nervously.

Jisoo clenched her blanket tightly and shook her head, fearful that her father might come for her now. She flinched, feeling a tap on her shoulder. She sees Lisa's hand.

"We care about you, okay? We just want the person who hurt you get in jail. The police is involved already." Jennie tries to comfort her. 

"M-my dad..." Jisoo said, with her lip quivering. 

Lisa signals for Jennie to go to the doctor and the police. Jennies goes and report what Jisoo claimed.

Jisoo clenched Lisa's hand.

Chaeyoung gives Jisoo a bottle of water.

"We have to go." Lisa said.

"Don't go." Jisoo cries.

"Hey, hey. Don't cry. We'll stay, okay?" Chaeyoung suggest.

Lisa rubs the tears off of Jisoo's cheeks.

2 officers barges in.

"Is what you said true?" One of them asked.

Jisoo nods.

"We ordered a search party for your father, but we couldn't find him, do you have any idea where he might be?" The other officer asks.

"Th-The bar, o-or maybe the casino." Jisoo mentions.

The 2 officers quickly runs out of the room.

Chaeyoung and Lisa hugs Jisoo together.

"We had no idea what you have had to gone through." Chaeyoung said sympathetically. 

Jennie runs in with a few bags of snacks.

"I got it from the vending machines." She smiles while holding the bags up.

They all chuckle while seeing Jennie's face.

It has been so long since we were together like this. I just didn't expect for us to be together because of this reason. Jisoo thinks to herself.

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