Chapter 7

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Lisa barges into Jisoo's room and forcefully pulls Chaeyoung out of the room.

"What the fuck, Lisa?"

"Chaeyoung, that's what I should be asking you. What did you fucking do to Jisoo?"

Jennie hears the commotion and walks out.

"Guys, calm down..." Jennie says.

"I didn't do anything to Jisoo." Chaeyoung dismisses the matter.

"Oh, you didn't? Then tell me, why would she have an anxiety attack all of a sudden?" Lisa shouts.

"I don't fucking know, Lisa Manoban." Chaeyoung replied in an annoyed voice before storming off.

"That motherfucker." Lisa shouts before punching the wall.

Jennie chases after Chaeyoung.

"Chaeyoung! Chaeyoung! Stop!" Jennie shouts. Chaeyoung stops.

"It's all my fault." Chaeyoung whimpers.

Jennie runs over to her and hugs her.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" Jennie asked in a loving voice.

"I just told Jisoo my feelings for her..." Chaeyoung sniffled.

"There, there." Jennie comforts Chaeyoung. "Lisa is just very overprotective of Jisoo, okay? Don't take it too personally."

Chaeyoung hugs Jennie, not wanting to let go.


Lisa walks back inside Jisoo's room, Jisoo looks very pale, but still beautiful. Lisa kisses Jisoo's forehead.

"I love you." She faintly whispered into Jisoo's ear.

Jisoo twitched after hearing that. She wakes up. She immediately feels Lisa hugging her.

"Ayah- what are you doing?" Jisoo asks Lisa.

"Hugging you."

"Where are the others?"

"...I don't know." Lisa lied.

"I missed you." Jisoo cuddles with Lisa.

"I knew it."


"I'm just teasing, relax." Lisa laughs it off. "Do you know why you had an anxiety attack?"

"...No." Jisoo lied while fidgeting with her hands.

"Look, I care about you, okay? You can trust me and tell me the truth." Lisa holds Jisoo's hand.

"Well... Chaeyoung told me she liked me, I didn't know what to do." Jisoo said in a small voice.

Lisa hugs Jisoo tightly.

"Thank you." Lisa said.

"For what?" Asked the confused Jisoo.

"For trusting me." Lisa replied with a bright smile.

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