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At court we watched the film of Rona mom dying. "Do you admit of killing Oh Yoon Hee?" The judge asked.

"I don't recall"

"The defendant is suffering from early onset dementia, according to an expert from the Cheong a medical center she can't even recognize her daughter. She is severely incapacitated, question like that are meaningless" a guy said.

"I agree I'd like to call to the stand a witness who knows, The defendant's state is the best." Another guy said "I'll allow it" the judge announced.

Eunbyeol came in with a police officer. She walked over to the chair and sat in it. The guy stood up and walked over to Eunbyeol's desk.

"What is your relationship with the defendant?" He asked. "I'm her daughter" Eunbyeol answered with her head down.

"Then you must have seen her from us close until recently, is it true that the defendant suffers from dementia?" 

Eunbyeol looked at my mom and sighed.

"no she isn't, she's lying. My mom is acting, my mom remembers everything. She remembers that's why she killed Ms Shim. Because she knew everything that my mom did. My mom was never honest with me nor her other kids, not even once." Everyone gasp.

"I don't know her I have no idea what she's talking about" my mom said, acting ill. "You were at gimpo cliff during the incident correct? Can you tell the court exactly what you saw?" The guy asked.

"The witness is defendant's direct relative, the witness may refuse to testify" my mom's lawyer said.

"Correct, you don't have to answer that" the judge said looking at Eunbyeol. "You may refuse to testify."

Eunbyeol sniffed "no I will testify, that day I was there at the site of the incident. I watched everything my mom did from the beginning to end. My mom ruthlessly shoved Ms shim off the cliff" Eunbyeol cried.

"As Ms shim desperately begged for her life" everyone gasped and yelled some stuff. "Silence in the court!"

"At great distance from the incident, it is unreasonable to say she saw exactly what happened, the victim death was the result of their physical altercation. It was an unintended accident" the lawyer tried to justify.

"It was not an accident!" Eunbyeol yelled. "My mom intentionally pushed Ms shim and Ms shim didn't do anything to threaten her"

Then my mom tried acting hurt "that person is lying, I did not kill anyone"

"I saw it!" Eunbyeol yelled once again. "I clearly saw it with my own eyes. Even when my mom pushed my grandfather down the stairs and killed him to become director of cheong a foundation. When she pushed Ms oh with her car and killed her, I was at the scene each time!" Eunbyeol cried.

"My mom killed people in front of me three times... My mom is a murderer, while she was mentally capable she killed innocent people to feed her greed"

"If you saw these things yourself why have you kept quiet until now?" The guy asked. "Because I was the root cause of this tragedy, my mom wanted to get me into cheong art high school so she forged my grades, she wanted to get me into Seoul university so she harassed Ms oh endlessly, she wanted to make me director of cheong a foundation so she killed my grandfather"

"The root causes of all of my mom's crime was me. That's why I could never speak the truth. Please forgive me too" she begged then stood up. "I have never once beaten Ms oh daughter with my singing skills. That's why my mom was always nervous in case I couldn't become the best as she was, in case I couldn't become the best classic singer. Now I want to end it all"

Then Eunbyeol stabbed herself with her necklace she fell to the ground with blood all over her. I screamed in horror.

I tried to go to Eunbyeol but the police officers stop me. "Eunbyeol!" I screamed.

"The defendant cheon Seojin killed oh Yoon hee and shim Su-Ryeon with intention while she was sound minded. After committing heinous crimes instead of showing remorse, she tried to evade punishment by faking dementia. Your crimes are very grave and evil, for those reasons I give you the maximum penalty of life imprisonment"

 Your crimes are very grave and evil, for those reasons I give you the maximum penalty of life imprisonment"

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