chapter eight: oh my god!

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After basic training— which has become progressively easier, considering the amount of extra time she's been spending in the gym— came lunch, and then Enhanced group training, which has also become easier with her extra time with Carrelli. Given, not quite as easy as basic is becoming, but definitely better than she was at the beginning of the week.

To avoid suspicion, Joey's gotten into the habit of leaving basic— or, in this case, Enhanced— training with everyone else, then spending a few short minutes waiting for the coast to be clear before heading back down to one of the smaller gyms, for more one on one training with Agent Carrelli.

"Come on, Jo, take a couple deep breaths," Carrelli advises Joey, who is standing right in front of the gym door with her eyes closed. They've just finished about an hour and a half's worth of one on one boxing practice, but have since moved on to strengthening and stretching her powers.

Over the past four days, Joey's managed to become a lot more confident and controlled with her powers. Granted, she still jolts blue when she's caught off guard, but the true extent of her powers, which she had no previous idea about, is greater than she ever would have imagined.

For the past two years of her life, Joey's been under the impression that the accident gave her telekinesis, and the manipulation of gravity, energy, and magnetic force-fields. Even though this is all true, her 'training' with Loki and Thor didn't even begin to tap into those areas like she thought they did. What Agent Carrelli has evoked out of Joey is incredible, and at times, Joey's had a hard time believing that it's just plain old her who can do these things.

The force-fields, the telekinesis, even the flying has come naturally to Joey from the start. But with the help of Carrelli; she's managed to learn how to focus her force-fields into energy blasts, similar to the blasts on the palms of her dad's Iron Man suit; she's in the process of becoming sharper with her telekinesis, hopefully to the point where one day she won't have to use her hands to help control it— it can all just be from her mind; and today, one that she's nowhere near mastering...

"Center your energy. Actually, scratch that," Carrelli goes on. "You don't center your energy when you are energy. Got it?"

"Mhm," Joey replies, eyes still closed. She can feel her skin buzzing.

"Shh," Carrelli emphasizes. "OK. Now, if it feels right to open your eyes for this, you can, but if you think they should stay closed, then keep them closed." Agent Carrelli walks over to the opposite corner of the room, and she pulls a Sharpie from the belt of her uniform before crouching down and drawing an 'X' on the floor. Joey opens one eye.

"Meg! What are you doing! Is that permanent?"

"Eyes shut! Focus!" Agent Carrelli counters. She doesn't say anything about the use of her first name— technically all of these extra trainings have taken place on free hours, so the two of them have in turn kept the etiquette pretty casual. "There are worse things that have happened to this property. I'm sure the little gym will be just fine with a little Sharpie on the floor."

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