chapter twenty: i am not your friend.

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Joey shoves the hands shaking her awake away, before finally sitting up. "God," she mutters, scowling at her father who stands at her bedside.

"It's 10 AM, J," Tony complains, making his way to her door. "Pep doesn't have much wiggle room in her schedule these days. If we're going out today, we need to leave soon. I'll meet you in the garage."

Her bedroom door falls shut behind him as he leaves, and as she gets up to get ready, her phone rings.

"Hello?" She yawns into the phone, before putting it on speaker so she can change her clothes and get ready to leave the compound.

"Are you just now waking up?" Heidi asks, her judgment seeping through the phone.

"You too?" Joey scoffs. "It's a Saturday. I'm allowed to sleep in a little."

She sets her phone on her dresser for a second, which she then digs through for acceptable clothes to wear in public.

"That building operates like a machine," her mother reminds her.

"Yeah, yeah," Joey dismisses. "I just got this talk from Dad. No wiggle room on the schedule." She sighs. "I know."

"What's on your agenda today?" Heidi moves on.

"I'm going out with Dad and Pep. We're heading into the city, I think. Lunch and errands, and stuff."

"Fun," Heidi coos. "I miss you."

"I miss you too, Mom," Joey smiles. "What are you up to? How are you settling in?"

"It's been just fine," Heidi reassures. "It's been nice getting to know the kids a little better. I understand why you and Lila get along so well."


"Yeah," she goes on. "Laura's introduced me to a bunch of her friends, so I'm starting to find my place with all of them. And I've been trying to help out on the farm a little bit."

Joey snickers.

"Don't laugh!" Heidi laughs. "I know it's not my scene."

"No it is not," Joey concurs.

"I just feel like I should do my part, you know? So I've been, you know, watering plants and things like that when I can. I'm scared to go near the chickens, I feel like I'm going to get pecked; but Laura said the chickens are the kids' responsibility anyway."

Joey smiles. "That's amazing, Mom. I'm sure Laura appreciates the help."

"I hope so," she agrees. "She and Lila have been trying to convince me for days now to let them teach me to ride the horses. But that might be above my pay grade," she jokes.

"I don't know," Joey counters. "That might be fun. Horses don't peck, after all."

"Oh, hush," her mom chuckles. "We'll see. If I give in, I'll let you know."

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