chapter eleven: promise you won't be mad at me?

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Sam's dramatic entrance pulls everyone's attention out of their side conversations, and onto him. His hands are up in a surrendering fashion, and he has a cocky smirk on his face.

"No one was going to," Bucky replies in his signature smug-joking fashion, earning him a look from Steve.

"Happy Birthday, Sam," Steve says, clapping his friend on the shoulder.

"Do I get a get-out-of-training-free pass?" Sam asks. The three of them, and a few of the others scattered around the gym laugh.

"Nice one," Steve answers, before finally making his way to the front of the gym for a pre-workout lecture, identical to the ones he gives every morning.

The next two hours go by quickly, and Joey goes for one hour at the punching bag, and the second hour completing partner workouts with Natasha.

The sparring hour doesn't go by as quickly, though, especially seeing as Joey is partnered against Bucky— enough said.

When training is finally over, Agent Carrelli catches Joey's eye while everyone is leaving, and she waves her phone in the air slightly. Joey gets the memo, and she nods as she walks backward out of the door: check your phone.

She pulls her phone out of the side pocket in her leggings, but before she can open her texts, Sam and Natasha are sidling up next to her, with Steve and Bucky on either side of them.

"Little Stark," Sam greets.

"Sam," Joey greets back, similarly. "Happy birthday."

"Thank you, thank you."

Joey listens to their random chit-chat as the five of them step into an elevator together, and when they get out on the residential floor and go separate ways, she can't help but spot Steve walking with Natasha in the direction of her room, when his is just across the way from Joey's...

"I have no idea what's going on there."

Joey looks over her shoulder and at Bucky, slightly thankful that she isn't the only one to notice their friends' behavior. The two of them then pause in front of their doors, just beside each other.

"...Yeah," Joey inflects, sharing a look with him— a look that, in this scenario, can only really be understood between Steve's best friend, and Nat's best friend.

"See you later, kid," Bucky says, not attempting to hide his smirk while he opens his door. He knows that he and Joey are probably making the same assumption.

"You too, kid."

Joey steps into her room, and she sets down her water bottle before throwing her dirty workout rag in her hamper and opening up her phone again.

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