17. En-Nerf

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Even with everything going on, Taehyung was able to sleep more soundly than he had in a while. It probably had something to do with not being waken up early for rehearsals or not having repeated nightmares from the stress that came with being famous. Taehyung knew that he could continue to sleep for most of the day, but what finally woke him up around seven in the morning was his guilt about Jungkook having to deal with everything by himself. He let out a soft moan as he rolled over onto his side, hearing the soft puttering of someone in the kitchen.

He rolled out of the bed and put his bare feet down on the floor. Grabbing a white t-shirt off the back of the desk chair, Taehyung shoved it over his head before padding out in that and gray sweatpants to see what Laylin was up to. She was currently standing in the kitchen at the island. A lunchbox was open in front of her, and she was just putting a container meticulously inside. She could register him entering the room out of the corner of her eye, lifting her head to look at him with a soft smile on her face.

"Morning sunshine."

She chuckled as he came to stand beside her, reaching out a hand to rub it through his hair to try and put the stubborn cowlick atop his head flat.

"Morning," said Taehyung in reply with a semi-sleepy smile. "Heading to work now?"

"Yep. Living the dream right here," she said as she turned back to the lunchbox, zipping it shut.

Taehyung wondered how long Laylin's shift was, watching as she moved past him towards the front door with her lunchbox. She put it temporarily down on the small table there, trying to slip into her shoes.

"Same shift as usual then?"

"Yes unfortunately," said Laylin. "Like usual, I won't be home until around six. Are you going to be okay until then?"

"I'm gonna be fine," said Taehyung.

"Are you sure? I mean, you were in a coma not too long ago," said Laylin as she grabbed up her purse and lunchbox. "I wish I could take time off to stay with you, but..."

"Laylin," said Taehyung; the smile on his face growing slightly longer. "I'm gonna be fine."

She paused with the front door to the apartment half open for a moment as she looked him up and down before nodding. She gave him a brief wave of goodbye that he returned before shutting the apartment door and leaving for work.

As sad as it was to say, this was the first time that he felt truly cared for outside of Jimin and Hobi. He knew his best friends cared for him too, but there was something different about this care and concern. There was love laced in it.

"I don't know what is wrong with Jungkook," muttered Taehyung under his breath as he made his way back to the bedroom to look for clothes. "They act like a married couple...he's dumb to think she doesn't have feelings for him."

As Taehyung re-entered the bedroom, he noticed the cell phone that he left on the dresser light up as an incoming notification came in. Walking over, he snatched up the phone to see that it was a message from Jungkook. Apparently Jimin was already at it.

With a Nerf gun.

Taehyung knew then that the situation was serious and that he better head over to his place as soon as possible.

- - -

"Every time that you sing off key, I'm shooting you," said Jimin as he sat in a half slouched position by the door.

Jimin had the glass door to the sound booth propped open with his chair, sitting there with a Nerf gun on his lap. Jungkook stood at the microphone, keeping half an eye on Jimin as he reached up to adjust the headset on his head. His day had started off an hour and a half ago with Jimin leaning over his bed; a Nerf dart stuck to the center of his forehead. Jungkook reached up a hand to his forehead as if it was still there. Unfortunately Hobi - who normally calmed Jimin down - wasn't here yet. When Jungkook had gotten a two minute break to change and go to the bathroom, he had texted Taehyung for back up. Taehyung was apparently on the way.

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