44. New Sound

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"That boy and his rebellious ways are going to be the end of his career," said Taehyung's mother as she stood in the windowed conference room; her gaze staring out at the afternoon skyline.

In her hand she was currently clutching 8x10 photos of Taehyung's kiss; pictures that were circulating the internet like wildfire. Taehyung's mother looked as if she was about to glare daggers into the back of the mystery woman's head; her recently done fingernails curling the edges of the photos. She wondered if that was what caused him to give her lip a few nights ago when they went out to dinner. He still hadn't apologized for it and she hadn't seen him since. The only correspondence she had been getting after sending Yoongi in to handle the situation were a few odd texts here or there followed by the album sample yesterday.

"Maybe it's time for him to be a bad boy," said the label executives at the table behind her, causing her to whip around so fast she almost wobbled off balance in her eight inch white heels.

The label executive that had said something didn't appeared phased. If anything, he appeared completely relaxed. He was currently reclined in his leather arm chair at the conference table; his arms folded across his gray dress shirt. The dress shirt he was wearing matched his silver hair and eyes. He looked at Taehyung's mother as if she and her antics bored him.

"You think it's good for his image for him to be disrespectful to his elders and date some woman behind all our backs? How are we supposed to minimize the damage if he doesn't tell us? Besides, we don't have time for this. Taehyung is almost international. This kind of thing could ruin him."

"Taehyung may be acting different lately - and while I'm certainly not excusing disrespectfulness Ms. Kim - I must say I am impressed with the tracks that he sent us the other day. I like the new sound. Whoever is the second vocalist on these tracks makes it all feel just right. It feels like some sort of missing piece."

She didn't like the idea of Taehyung's solo career turning into some sort of duet. She had no idea who the mystery vocalist was on the tracks - and while he was a talented singer too - she didn't want to think of her son's light being diminished at all. She didn't see where sharing the limelight in any way would help to increase Taehyung's fame.

"I for one can't wait to meet the owner of this mystery voice," continued the label executive, unaware that Taehyung's mother had zoned out. "I'm glad they are coming in today with your son. We will be able to meet the gentleman and arrange details for a comeback concert."

Taehyung's father was also seated at the table, but like the label executive, he seemed to be unphased by it all. He was looking at the eight tracks on a tracklist that had been sent over to them with the audio samples. It all had a different tone to it now with two voices on it, but he couldn't say he hated it. It was a new direction for Taehyung and he approved of it. He didn't see where having another person on the tracks with him would decrease his fame. All he really wanted to know was who the mystery vocalist was like everyone else. The other voice on the tracks was haunting to him in a way, but he couldn't figure out why.

"Well I for one can wait," said Taehyung's mother, causing him to look down the table at his wife.

"Love, you ought to be open minded about this. This might just be the final thing Taehyung needs to be international. Besides, don't you see how marketable groups of singers are nowadays verses solo singers? This could be a blessing and a smart move. You need to be open to it."

She pursed her lips, not liking that her husband wasn't on her side about the issue. She didn't say anything further on the matter though. Instead she crossed her arms and turned back to look out the window just as the door to the conference room opened. A secretary came in; her hair tied neatly in a bun on the top of her head.

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