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Eight Months Later

"Which driveway is it? All of them look the same!"

Taehyung sat in the passenger seat of the vehicle as they traveled down the road to Mrs. Jeon's place. Jimin - who wasn't used to driving outside the city - had seemed to feel like he was lost even though Taehyung had reassured him multiple times that he was going the correct way.

"Jimin, it's fine. I promise we're going the right way. We're almost there."

"Alright...whatever you say," said Jimin.

Seokjin, Namjoon, Hobi, and Yoongi were all crammed into the back of the mini SUV Jimin was driving. Seokjin and Namjoon were balancing food containers between the two of them whilst Hobi held some presents and Yoongi held Yoongles. It was quite the messy yet chaotic family that would soon be complete once they reached Mrs. Jeon's house where Jungkook and Laylin had just arrived the night before.

Taehyung hadn't seen Jungkook in person since he had run off from the hospital after Laylin. Since then, he had only seen Jungkook over video calls whenever he'd call to just check in or make sure the album was to his liking as well. They had just released their joint album, so Jungkook and Laylin had flown back home to Mrs. Jeon's to celebrate it with everyone.

"Take a left here, Jimin," said Taehyung as Jimin did what he was told; soon pulling into the driveway and parking the vehicle.

They all began to get out of the SUV once it had parked. No sooner had they slammed the doors then Mrs. Jeon was opening the front door to greet them. It was a familiar sight to Taehyung; a smile breaking across his face that only grew wider when he saw Jungkook rushing out of the house and barreling down the steps towards him to wrap him in a bear hug. Taehyung threw his arms tightly about Jungkook back; the two of them nearly stumbling backwards into the SUV.

"I missed you!" said Jungkook as Taehyung nodded.

"I missed you too!" he said.

Jimin and Hobi couldn't help but to smile at the hugging and chuckling brothers as they helped Yoongi, Seokjin and Namjoon out of the car. Seokjin and Namjoon made their way up the steps to Mrs. Jeon while Taehyung and Jungkook were still hugging in the driveway. When Mrs. Jeon saw the containers of food they were holding, she tsked and shook her head.

"I told you you didn't need to bring anything but yourselves," said Mrs. Jeon.

"Yes, but it's a party so I felt like I had to bring something," said Seokjin. "Besides, it's your favorite dishes. Taehyung and Jungkook picked them out."

"My sons," she said with a soft-hearted grin. "Suppose I can't argue with that then."

Seokjin and Namjoon smiled as Mrs. Jeon stepped aside to let them enter the house. As Seokjin and Namjoon entered the small kitchen, they saw Laylin standing near the counter. She had just finished frosting a cake as she turned to look at them both with a grin. She washed off her hands, moving to hug them both at the same time.

"It's wonderful to see you both again!" she said as she pulled back. "Have either of you seen my boyfriend?"

"He's out in the yard with Taehyung," said Seokjin with a grin. "They can't seem to keep their hands off each other now."

Laylin chuckled, having expected as much when the brothers reunited face-to-face again after so long. Laylin excused herself from the kitchen, bumping into Jimin, Hobi, and Yoongi in the entryway which resulted in another hug session. Laylin looked at Yoongles who was proudly sporting a collar with his name on it, looking as healthy and content as could be in his owner's arms.

When she finally made it outside, Taehyung and Jungkook were making it up the steps together. Taehyung embraced her in a warm embrace before letting go of her so Jungkook could put his arm about her.

"You two look like a happy couple," said Taehyung. "How's the new job?"

"It's going great!" she said. "Jungkook and I have firmly established a new routine too."

"Have you now?" asked Taehyung with an arched brow.

"Yes," said Jungkook with a chuckle as he looked at Taehyung. "We're rather domestic now."

"And yet you haven't popped the question?" asked Taehyung as Laylin fought a blush.

Jungkook blushed too as he looked over at Laylin and then at his mother standing behind her.

"Well actually," said Jungkook as he slipped a hand into his pocket, moving down onto one knee.

"Hey! We have a proposal going on out here!" hissed Mrs. Jeon through the door, causing the others to all rush and crowd the doorway so they could witness it too.

"Laylin, I love you with my whole body and soul," said Jungkook. "I always have and always will. Will you please..."

"Yes," said Laylin without letting Jungkook finish. "Yes, I will marry you!"

Jungkook chuckled as a huge whooping round of applause sounded all around them. He slipped the ring onto Laylin's finger as he moved to stand up.

"Well don't just stand there! Kiss her!" said Taehyung.

Jungkook didn't have to be told twice, slipping a hand behind her neck to bring her close and kiss her as lovingly as possible.

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