31. Homesick

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Sitting with his back pressed up against the wall after the two of them had hugged, Taehyung held the cell phone that Jungkook handed him. The volume on the video was down low so they didn't wake up Laylin, but Taehyung could clearly imagine the dialogue in the video as he watched Jungkook stand up from the table to tell his parents off. This wasn't the only cell phone video of its kind either. There seemed to be every possible angle of the explosion as Taehyung scrolled through the gossipy web pages and cast his gaze along the headlines.

"Why is it always the fault of the celebrity?..." muttered Taehyung as Jungkook seemed to shrink lower in his spot on the floor at Taehyung's comment.

"I really am sorry," said Jungkook. "I thought I had more patience than that, but I just couldn't contain my rage. I can't believe how cold they were."

"They've always been like that," said Taehyung. "They are colder than an iceberg, but can certainly sink people's spirit like one."

"I'm sorry," repeated Jungkook; this time with more than one reason for saying it.

"Don't be," said Taehyung as he finally shut the phone off and handed it back to Jungkook. "You said everything that I wish I had been brave enough to say. I was just too afraid to say it."

"What if I ruined your career?"

"Pfft. I doubt you did. They'll just think I'm going through some sort of phase, but if it does come to it...I'll be happier. I'd rather be a human than a puppet. It's time to cut my strings."

"You're being very..."


"Picturesque," said Jungkook. "You're being very illustrative and flowery with your words tonight."

Taehyung couldn't help but to smirk, rolling his eyes as he looked over at Jungkook before looking back at the bed where Laylin was still sleeping soundly.

"Is it bad that I'm kind of hoping my career is over now so that I can maybe have a life like you?" asked Taehyung. "I mean, you have a wonderful life. A kind mother. A wonderful woman..."

Jungkook flicked his eyes to look at Laylin then too; a soft smile coming over his face. Taehyung turned his head to look at Jungkook and noticed the smile.

"Don't let her go," said Taehyung. "You'd be stupid to."

Jungkook nodded. He knew that now more than ever.

Taehyung wondered whether or not he should tell Jungkook now about the truth he had learned. He decided against it though when he saw Jungkook masking a yawn.

"Do you want to sleep where I was?" asked Taehyung.

"Which was where?"

"On the other side of the comforter wall Laylin built."

Chuckling, Jungkook shook his head.

"I can sleep leaning up against the wall," said Jungkook. "I've done it before."

"I'll stay with you," said Taehyung. "You've had a longer day than me, so you can use my shoulder as a pillow."

"Are you sure? That won't be weird?"

"Nah. I think the body swap is far weirder."

Jungkook nodded as he moved to lay his head on Taehyung's shoulder.

"It is gonna sound weird," started Jungkook as he kept his cheek against Taehyung's shoulder, "but I always used to imagine - at times when I was scared and alone - that I had a protective brother watching over me. I bet this is what it would feel like if it were real."

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