47. We Don't Need Him

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Taehyung's mother seemed to walk forever before coming to a stop. Yoongi felt as if his little cat legs were about to fall off. The place she had decided to take the call was near a street where the sounds of frustrated horns honked through the air. Yoongi kept close to the side of the building as if he had a chance of being recognized, settling near a corner of a wall where he could still hear her conversation over the buzz of traffic.

"I will pay you handsomely," she said. "I just need this problem to be fixed and for it to go away..."

'What are you planning on doing exactly to make this problem go away?' thought Yoongi as he stayed there, watching her with narrowed eyes.

"Meet me at the park by that bistro we met at in a half hour," she demanded as she hung up. She proceeded to send someone a text as she started to walk off down the street once more.

Yoongi was still just as puzzled as before and he wasn't willing to give up now. He turned to look behind him, wondering if he should go back to Seokjin and Namjoon before they started to look for him. He wouldn't be able to explain the situation to them quick enough though. He wasn't in the mood to play cat charades with them. Yoongi turned to look at her as she started to disappear from view. He knew he had to follow her to figure out what the heck was going on. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good at all.

- - -

Jungkook had experienced anger in his life, but never to the extreme that he was feeling now. He felt as if it were coursing through his blood, instilling in him the need to get revenge no matter the cost. He could hear someone chasing after him from behind, but that didn't stop him in his progress. He just kept going even though he had no idea where the man's office was. Stopping in front of a secretary's desk, he looked at the woman seated there who was taking a phone call on some sort of an ancient looking phone. Before he could voice his question though, the person that had been coming after him caught up.

"What do you think you're doing?" asked Jimin, who was panting a bit as if Jungkook had been running off on him instead of just walking away.

"Giving him a piece of my mind! I already told you that."

"You sure it's a piece of your mind and not a piece of your fist?"

He rolled his eyes as he turned away from Jimin to face the secretary who still had the phone to her ear; her eyes as round as circles now at hearing the transaction.

"Where is my father?" Jungkook ground out as the wide-eyed secretary pointed down the hall.

Jungkook gave a brief nod of his head in thanks as he turned away from Jimin to walk down the hallway to where his father was holed up. He could hear Jimin renew his pursuit behind him, but he wasn't about to be reasoned with. No one should get away with saying those sorts of things.

Reaching the door at the end of the hall, Jungkook threw it open so hard that it banged into the wall. He saw his father was seated at the conference table, turning in surprise at the loud intrusion. As soon as he saw who stood there, his face clouded over with anger.

"What's the big idea?" his father asked in a snappy tone.

"How dare you tell him that he is an insurance policy! He's a human being, something that you and my mother apparently are not!"

Jungkook watched as his father rose from the table. Jungkook didn't know if his father was going to try some sort of intimidation tactic, but he wasn't going to have any of that. Jimin had reached the office by then but stood in the doorway of the office, completely unsure of what to do to stop it.

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