Naming the Dragons

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Sunspear, Dorne

299 AC

Jacaerys and Visenya, with the help of their family, named all of their dragons they had hatched.

All four dragons were females. Which was good in Visenya's opinion, because female dragons could lay eggs without needing a father sometimes, according to the Book of Dragons.

The she dragon with lack scales with bronze horns, eyes, claws, and spines, along black wing membranes and flames that ere black with bronze swirls was named Rhaellion by Visenya, in honor of Queen Rhaella.

Rhaellion was the closest with Visenya, along with the largest and fiercest, taking up the mantle of big sister for the other dragons.

While she could be calm, she was incredibly fierce and even at a few days old, the best hunter out of all four she dragons, hunting down small rodents and burning the meat.

Dragons hated raw meat, according to the Book of Dragons.

The second she dragon had white scales with ice blue markings on her face, wings, neck, and body, and her wing membranes were white that turn into ice blue at the very end, with white colored flames. Suvia, after the Valyrian word for ice, Sarella.

Suvia was the calmest out of all four dragons. Hardly anything could break her calm.

The third she dragon had silver scales, light grey horns & spines, white eyes, silver wing membranes, and silver flames. Starfyre, Aaron suggested, in honor of House Dayne for their loyalty.

Arthur had been incredibly touched by this. Starfyre was the swiftest and most agile, on ground or in the air.

And the she dragon that came form Jacaerys was named Nightreaver by the Blackfyre scion. Nightreaver had black scales with dark purple eyes, horns, and claws.

Her wing membranes where black, with dark purple patterns on her face, wings and neck, and the she dragon had black flames with dark purple swirls.

Already, Nightreaver was incredibly close with and devoted to Jacaerys. She was the stealthiest out of all the dragons, and with her dark coloring could blend in with the shadows.

Visenya made bonds with Rhaellion, Suvia, and Starfyre. She could talk with them, they could feel her emotions and she could feel theirs.

Her strongest was with Rhaellion. The Iron Lady predicted this meant Rhaellion was her future mount when the she dragon was old enough.

With four baby she dragons hidden under illusions, the Martells traveled to Highgarden to meet with the Tyrells.

That is today's chapter. Just some fluff and information about the dragons. I hope you all enjoyed it!

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