17 Years, a Hetalia fanfic Part 1

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I do not own Hetalia. I just like to write international yaoi.

Chapter 1: Finding The Box

It was just another normal day for the nations, another World Meeting was being held, this time by America.

"Okay," Germany said, after taking count of everybody in the room, finding only one empty chair that only had a bear sitting in it, for some reason. "We need to get started on the issu-" he was interrupted by a knock on the door.

A security guard's nervous head poked in. "Um....sorry....but this seemed to be left outside for you all. I wasn't sure whether to bring it in or not, but the President said to do so." he then left the box on the long table, before scurrying out the door.

"Hm. Looks to be like some sort of DVD." America said, before taking it out of the box. "Maybe it's a scary movie! We should totally watch it!" he exclaimed loudly.

"You git, everybody knows that you get terribly frightened of things like that, stop being stupid!" England groused, before turning back around to talk to his more sophisticated faerie friends.

"Well, while Iggy talks to himself over there, we should really watch this! It couldn't hurt, could it?" America said, looking around the room for approval.

"I agree with America-san." Japan said, figuring this idea wouldn't be so bad.

Lietchenstein tried hard to keep her big brother's mouth closed.

"Well, it certainly couldn't hurt....okay, we'll watch it. Just to see what it is." Germany said, going over to the TV and putting the disc in the player.

A screen showed up with just the title, "Family Moments" and a play button displayed, already highlighted. "Hmmm...." Germany said, "might as well at least try it. Go ahead France, press play."

A video started to play, it looked like it was recorded, and was marked December 25, 2012, 17 years from now. "Stupid American video cameras." you could hear someone murmur, sounding suspiciously British.

"Come on babe! You're gonna miss the girls opening their presents!" An American voice yelled off screen.

"Who is that? And who are they talking to?" America thought curiously, glancing around the room before turning back to watch the video.

"I'm coming." the man holding the camera said, before entering another room and pointing the camera to a smiling America and two little girls beside a Christmas tree, wrapping paper littering the floor.

"Well then, I can see you girls have already started unwrapping. What all have you gotten?" the man behind the camera asked, refocusing the camera on the two girls.

"Nothing much, just clothes. You sure do know how to pick the most exciting gifts, Mum." one of the girls, with short light blonde hair and sky blue eyes said, her missing front tooth standing out amongst her giant grin.

"I've gotten books from Mum. I'm actually quite excited to read them." the other girl, with wheat blonde hair up in pigtails and glass bottle green eyes with squared glasses said, looking into the camera.

"Well, why don't you open this one next Amelia, it's from your mom." America said, before handing the first blonde a gift wrapped in shiny silver paper.

Amelia cautiously opened the gift, looking wearily into the camera lens before looking at her sister, who was watching with interest at what her sister might get, before tearing the present open.

"O...M...G.... YOU GOT JUST WHAT I WANTED!!!" the girl ran down the hall with the gift, only to come back a few minutes later in a superhero costume, complete with a cape, while a snickering family watched on.

"No need to fear!! Amelia L. Kirkland-Jones is here!!" she screamed, before making a dramatic whooshing sound and sweeping out of the room.

Everyone paused, trying to collect their thoughts when they heard the little girl's last name. They were pretty sure America's human last name was Jones, and England's was Kirkland.....but it just couldn't be possible....those two...hated each other....they must've misheard....

Eventually, France decided to continue the video.

"Well....that went nicely." the man behind the camera said, before turning to the other blonde. "Alicia, how about you open this one now? It's from your Daddy." he said, handing her a present wrapped in blue paper.

"I wonder what it could be?" Alicia said, shaking the box. "Even though it was cool, I hope it wasn't the same thing Amelia got." she thought in her head, before taking the lid off.

She was stunned, pulling out the one thing on her list she thought she wouldn't get.

"It was hard to come by..." America said awkwardly, rubbing his neck. "They don't make Flying Green Dust Bunnies or whatever y'all call 'em everyday..." he said, slipping into his Southern accent, which he did every time he got nervous.

"Daddy....Mummy....it's perfect." Alicia said, hugging the little mint green bunny with wings close to her chest. She got up and gave her mother and father a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before running off to show her sister her new favorite toy, her own little version of America's Nantucket bouncing with her steps.

"That was really thoughtful of you, Alfred." the man said, moving to set the camera down on an abandoned box.

"Thanks Artie.....I know 'Melia and I can't see what you and Alicia see, and she feels out of place because of it....but I thought it'd make her feel less weird if the other kids could see what she always talks about, since she already gets picked on for having two men as her mom and dad, even in this day and age." Alfred said, hugging England close to him.

"You know, I'm sure you'll be as good with the new baby as you are with our two girls already. You truly are our hero, Alfred." Arthur said, reaching up to brush some hair out of his eyes, minding his glasses.

"Thanks....wait, what?! You're pregnant?!? Seriously!?" Alfred exclaimed, quickly jumping up.

"Yes luv....about 14 weeks, actually." Arthur said, slowly getting up off the floor.

"There's so much we need to do!! We need to schedule a doctor's appointment, you need to start eating healthier which means hiring a chef so you don't cook, we need to clear out the baby's room....and what with my economy...."Alfred rambled on, running his fingers through his hair.

"Shhh, dear." Arthur said, taking America's hand and putting it over his stomach. "Everything will work out, just like it has in the past." he said.

"I guess you're right." America said, before kissing England. "Don't let it go to your head though. That's already big enough." he said, laughing his annoying laugh (although England had to admit to himself, he found it quite adorable as well).

"Why you little-" England said, ready to brawl, when America suddenly took hold of his hands.

"I love you, Artie." America said, pressing his lips to Arthur's once more.

"I love you too, Alfie." England said while blushing, hiding his red face in his husband's sweater.

France, who took station near the TV, immediately stopped the DVD. "Should we go on?" he asked, looking at the room full of nations, with two particular ones blushing madly in opposite corners of the room.

"I'm not sure." Germany said, looking back and forth at America and Britain. "If that's the first part, who knows what else we'll find?"

"Well...." America started, blushing as red as one of Spain and Romano's beloved tomatoes, "It can't get worse, right?"

Germany hesitated, thinking over it for a second. "Fine." he said, before motioning for France to start the video again.

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