17 Years a Hetalia fanfic Part 4

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Don't own it. Wish I did. UsxUk, GerIta, Rochu, Spamano, and Prucan would be cannon. (I consider Sufin to already be partially canon.)

4. Attention, all Walmart shoppers. There appears to be a missing box.

"Okay everybody, let's get started!" Benni said, in his most convincing voice.

"Ve~ fratello, chill out. I think it's the perfect time for a siesta!" his sister said, looking up with her slightly squinted eyes.

"Hey guys, I have something to say!!! I got a superhero outfit this Christmas, want me to wear it?!?" D.C. asked, full of excitement.

"DA!!!" her brother yelled, before the room got quiet. He quickly clamped his hand over his mouth.

Everybody was still, before Amelia leaped out of her seat, hugging the boy tightly. "I knew you were awesome!!" she said, before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"Maybe this won't be as hard as I thought." Li thought, looking at her brother who was blushing intensely.

"T-t-thank you, aru." Mikhael said, looking at the blonde.

"No prob, yo!" she said, before going to sit beside her sister, who punched her arm.


"Don't act like Daddy, act more appropriate, like Mummy." London said, looking at her sister while clutching her bunny to her chest.

"You're the one that sees fairies and stuff, how is THAT appropriate!" Amelia said, shooting a glare at her sister.

London immediately turned around. "She doesn't mean that." she said to the air, petting the unicorn and flying mint bunny behind her, while it looked like she was just petting air to the others.

"Anyway," Benni said, looking at the bickering girls, "we need to get on with this meeting. We have a lot to get through today."

"I th'nk we sh'uld t'lk 'b'ut o'r p'r'nts." Stockholm said, looking at everybody with her cold stare.

It took them a while to get it, before Hamaneko finally got what the girl was trying to say.

"Hai, we should talk about our parents, good job Anna." she praised.

"Th'nks." the blonde said, trying to hide behind her short blonde hair, her sea green eyes peeking out behind her sparkly glasses.

"I think we should talk about naps and cats." Athias said to his sister, looking at her sleepily.

"I second that!!" Felicity got out, before Benni put his hand over her mouth.

"NEIN!! We have no time for such things!" Benni shouted at his sister.

"Ve~~" she said, lying her head back on the table.

"Chill out, cuz." Amelia said, looking at him.

"You two are related?" Hamaneko said, looking between the two.

"Kolkolkolkolkol....." Li heard her brother say from beside her, yet another trait they got from their father.

"Well, we have a lot of the same awesome family." Maddie said, getting up on the table.

"Oh no, here we go again, one of her 'awesome' rants." Madrid said, rolling her eyes.

"Suck mein balls!" Maddie said, before muttering, "Mutti said to take deep breaths." and continued with the conversation.

"Anyway, my Vati is Prussia, which makes Mr. Germany my Onkel. My Mutti is Canada, which makes Mr. America also my uncle. Therefore, I am the awesome link between the awesome families!!" she squealed, throwing her hands up in the air.

"Excuse me, but don't you have a brother?" Tokyo said.

"Ja, but he doesn't count. He can't talk yet and all he does is pee and poop." she said, before sitting down in her "awesome" seat.

"It c'n b' lo'sy h'v'ng a s'bl'ng." Anna said, looking at Maddie.

Maddie stared at her, giving her a "Dafuq?" face before finally decoding what she had just stated. "Oh, ja! But at least your bruder is old enough to buy you things, mine can't even walk!" she said animatedly.

"I g'ess.....b't P't'r's alw'ys tryin' t' c'mpl'in 'bout "J'rk Br't'in"....." Anna said, sighing heavily.

"I don't know why he hates Mum so much. Dad declared independence from him yet he still loves him as much as he did when he was a kid!" London said angrily. She hated anyone undermining her mum, the great United Kingdom! "I don't even know why Dad would've wanted to leave...." she knew that the Revolutionary War was a sensitive topic for both of her parents, but she still didn't quite get it.

"Well, you gotta admit, Mum was cramping Dad's style a bit. I mean, he kept trying to make him into something he's not, when he is an awesome free and brave country, where ANYBODY is welcome!" Amelia said, going off into her "America is so awesome" rants. She had one at least once a week.

"Da, Amelia is so insightful, we should listen to her more." Mikhael said, looking at the girl. How much he wanted to be with her......

Rosa stared at the two for a minute, Amelia looking longingly at Mikhael and he looking the same way at her, before shouting, "Why don't you just fucking kiss and get it over with! The hamburger bastard is going to go nuts if he sees this and the commie bastard will surely give you some vodka for "becoming one with another nation", so you might as well just get it over with in front of us!" she screamed, before sitting back down beside her cousins. She didn't get the nickname "Ruthless Rosa" for nothing.

"Well, ummm.....I guess we could kiss, or at least try...if you wanna....." Amelia said awkwardly.

The tall boy got out of his seat, and strode over to where she was, before grabbing her arms and kissing her soundly on the lips.

"Fuck this!" America said, jumping out of his seat unexpectedly. "None of commie bastard's kids are coming anywhere near my girls, much less kissing them!" he yelled, as he struggled from the four countries holding him back.

England got an idea, and came around to wrap his arms around America's waist. He calmed instantly. "I don't like it anymore than you do, but surely, you don't want our little one to be alone? And at least she'll fall for someone like her, not a human who could possibly die much before she does. Then she'd be alone....forever." he said, kissing Alfred's neck lightly. Somehow he just knew this action would ease him. "We want our little ones to lead good lives, don't we?"

"I guess." Alfred said, rising his head so his eyes connected with England's. "Thanks, babe." he said unconsciously, making Arthur blush. "But if I catch your son anywhere near my little girl, or if he even thinks about getting her pregnant, you can bet your ass I'm coming for him." America said, looking into Russia's eyes.

All of the nations were silent. All of these things were crazy, would they actually happen in the future?

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