17 Years, a Hetalia fanfic Part 3

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Any translations are made by Google Translate. Yeah. Sorry. Also, I don't own Hetalia.

3. Box, what are you doing? Box? Stahp!

The platinum blonde looked sneakily from side to side. Her amber eyes sweeping the immediate area. "Not a soul in sight, da." she said, before slinking into the shadows, hiding from her Aunt Belarus, who had a strange adoration for the girl as well as her twin brother, who guessed that it was because of the unrequited emotions for their father that caused her to act so crazy with them.

"I wonder where Aunt Ukraine is..." the girl thought, thinking of her sweeter aunt, who had a huge crush on Mr. America's adopted brother, Mexico.

"Oh well, let's just find this meeting room and get отец's scarf." she thought, thinking that although her father usually felt cold, the scarf he wore around his neck was always comfortingly warm.

"Li-Mei, what are you doing?" the aforementioned country asked.

"Privet, papa!! Umm, I was looking for you, actually." she said shyly, looking up at the large Russian slowly.

"And what did you need, my little podsolnechnik?" he asked, picking the little girl up in his capable hands and holding her close.

Instead of saying anything, she buried her head into his chest, holding onto his scarf.

He quietly chuckled, which apparently scared other countries (she could never understand why though, her father had been nothing but sweet to her, mother, and brother) before taking her into the meeting room and sitting down next to her mama.

"Mama!!" she squealed, reaching for the long-haired man beside of them.

Russia chuckled. "I think she wants some attention from her Mama, lyubitʹ." he said, before handing her over to the Asian country.

"Why did you need us, aru?" China asked, looking at the girl with eyes so much like his own.

"Well, I lost Mikhael and I got scared, so I wanted to cuddle in Papa's scarf..." Li-Mei said, looking into her mother's wise eyes.

"Where is your brother? I told him to stay with you." Yao said, looking around the room at the nations and "Nation's Children" as they had dubbed them, scattered about the room.

"Mikhael could be anywhere." Ivan replied, also looking around. "He has the aura of his father, and the gracefulness of his Mama, da?" he said, looking into China's eyes.

Yao blushed. "I-I guess, aru...." he said, while the larger, younger nation tried to nuzzle his neck.

"My Yao-Yao looks nervous for no reason..." he spoke huskily, looking into his eyes.

Li had crawled out of her mother's arms by now, knowing that this was one of the "special moments" her parents often had at random times during the day. And while it was cute to see them together, she had more pressing matters to attend to.

"Now, to find brother." she said determinedly, pulling her long very light blonde hair into a ponytail and steeling her amber eyes.

"Big brother!!! Gēgē!!" she yelled, looking for the big-boned 12-year-old with black hair and purple eyes.

"Sis, what is it, aru?" the boy had asked, looking down at his smaller sister.

She always pondered how he could be larger than her but still be the same age.

"Hey, I want the game Mr. Japan gave me back soon, you know." she said, pointing at him accusingly.

"Oh? Is that it? Da, you can have it back when we get home, aru." the boy said, going back to looking longingly at Mr. America's and Mr. England's daughter, Amelia.

"Hm, maybe brother would do my chores if I could get Amelia to like him." the girl thought, thinking of anything to get out of work, even though her father didn't make her do much, she was, after all, his little podsolnechnik, and she knew her, her mother, and her brother were all his sunflowers, all things he found the joy and happiness he had been denied for so long in.

"Mikhael! Li! It's time to go, da!" Ivan called, looking around the room while some nations cowered. The Nation's Children, though, never seemed to he afraid of any of the "scary" nations, mainly because they talked about how their parents treated them at every meeting.

Peter was the oldest, and though he was considered a micronation, he was Mr. Finland's and Mr. Sweden's adopted son, and it was too hard to explain why he wasn't a nation child, so they just let him lead the little group.

It mainly consisted of Amelia (D.C.) and her sister Alicia (London), Maddie (Ontario), Felicity (Venice) and her brother Benni (Berlin), Rosa (Madrid), herself (Beijing) and her brother (Moscow), her cousin, Hamaneko (Tokyo) and sometimes her brother, Athias (Athens), and Anna (Stockholm). It was all lead by Peter, who still hadn't aged much for a micronation.

The rest of all the children were still babies, or hadn't been born yet, like Mr. Austria's and Mr. Switzerland's child. She always thought Mr. Austria was a bit....odd, and Mr. Switzerland scary. (Which was a lot coming from the daughter of Russia, but she loved playing with Liechtenstein, who was very different from her big brother, but she never said anything.)

"Oh well, if I'm gonna get them together, I might as well get to the meeting." she said, before opening a door where all the children gathered to talk about problems at a certain time in their parent's meeting.

"This is getting crazier and crazier...I mean, China and Russia?! Are you sure we should continue?" France said to Germany.

"Ja.....we have to find out why we are learning about these things." he said, but the other nations were too engrossed in processing what was going on to listen. France shrugged, and started it up again.

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