17 Years, a Hetalia fanfic Part 5

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Sooo...I had to correct some things in earlier chapters, and a reviewer really wanted a new chapter, so here you go! Unfortunately, I wouldn't expect these request updates often, though, unless you give story ideas! (Because my brain goes kaput a lot.)

I don't own anything Hetalia related besides the merch they release. (What do you guys think of Season 5? I love the characters even more now, chibi England is so cute!)

5. I'm trapped in a box.

Anna didn't understand why she couldn't make friends easily.

Her mama always told her that she had a great personality, and was loyal and loving, much like her papa.

Being one of the oldest children, she expected the younger ones to look up to her. She was the capital of Sweden, and one of the first children born to two fully recognized nations! Everyone should come to her for information and wisdom!

Or so she thought.

On the contrary, others liked to talk with Amelia, or in dire situations, her sister Alicia. Amelia was ridiculously charismatic, while her sister retained their mothers'...elegance, and preferred to talk to the adults and have long discussions about trolls and other magical things with Anna's uncle, Norway.

Admittedly, she wasn't the most popular person. She was very quiet (yet another thing she inherited to her father), which wasn't very good for her in the way of making friends, but she was also very friendly, like her mother.

So, she thought she would make a great friend.

Her big brother Peter had grown from when he was a kid, (through natural progression more than anything else, his country hadn't gotten any bigger), and he always told her she was a good friend, just...hard to understand.

She guessed it was her accent, which made her pronounce English words a bit oddly, or maybe it was her face. Her mama and papa always told her she was a pretty girl, but her default expression seemed to be a frown. She loved to smile, but the only time anyone saw her, it was at a meeting.

That's not to say she didn't have friends. Amelia and Hamaneko seemed to like to talk to her, and even Maddie would occasionally pitch a conversation with her, though the girl became decidedly more quiet, Anna assumed it was her mother's personality showing.

But Amelia and Hama seemed to actually enjoy talking to her, Amelia and she loved to talk about Pewdiepie, and on multiple occasions she had asked Anna had she ever met him, and she had to say no every time, and Hama liked to talk about their different opinions on things and naps, a weird mash-up of their parents' interests. They always valued her opinion, as she, like the other Nordics, was one of the more level-headed ones, and was usually withdrawn from the problems other countries had with each other. (She would admit though, that Uncle Denmark looked like he got on papa's nerves often, but it wss hard to tell whenever the Swede was angry or just upset.)

Yes, her Uncle Denmark had taken a particular liking to the child, trying to get her to play pranks against her father and give love letters to her Uncle Norway, although they were already together. However, she would never play pranks against her father. She looked up to him too much (and she knew she would get in trouble if she tried), so she stuck with playing light-hearted tricks on him with her mother and brother. Whenever they got caught he would look angry for a moment, then see their puppy dog faces and immediately grin, and hug them tightly.

She supposed she had a good life, considering both her parents were male, and that was still somewhat against the norm. She had people who loved her dearly, from mortals who loved the little girl that personified their city, to her papa and mama, personifications of the actual nations themselves.

"Anna? Are you ready to go?" her mother asked, pulling her out of her self-induced fog.

"Hm." she nodded, and carefully got off the park bench.

"Did y'u h've f'n t'd'y?" her father asked her quietly, taking hold of her hand.

She nodded again, and gave her parents a big smile to let them know that she loved the walk she had with them.

They all walked back home with their hands linked, Hana yipping at their feet all the while.

France stopped the tape yet again, joining the other countries in looking at the Nordic side of the table.

"Your daughter seems to be the thoughtful type, thinking more than she says." England said, looking at the two blushing countries.

"I'm not getting with Mathias, though." Norway suddenly stated, bringing everybody's attention to him.

"C'mon Norge! You're so cute, I'm sure you and I would be great together." Denmark said, pulling his chair closer to the Norwegian's.

"You know, you probably would be good for each other...big brother." Iceland said, turning to look at the other.

They both had a bit of a staring contest, before they turned back to the TV screen.

"Keep playing it France;" Norway said, and got a slight grin on his face, "and we'll see."

Denmark's squeals were slightly deafening.

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