17 Years a Hetalia fanfic Part 6 2/2

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Disclaimer: Still don't own it.

Well, At Least There's A Box.

"FROG! GET YOUR STUPID ARSE OVER HERE RIGHT NOW!" England screamed, deafening anybody in the immediate vicinity.

"What is it mon ami? Why so upset?" France asked, batting his eyelashes while trying to look innocent.

"Oh, maybe it's because it's 90 degrees and I'm heavily pregnant, or maybe it's the fact that Finland is currently climbing all over Sweden in front of Peter and Italy is furiously trying to seduce Germany! Elizabeta's even taking pictures!" Arthur grumbled unhappily. They had hired her to take photos of the family but so far all she had done was take pictures of all the male couples' close moments.

"Oh, mon ami! There's no need to worry! It's just beautiful l'amour!" France tried to calm the angry Englishman down.

France took a moment to look at his long time frienemy and at one time, lover. He was rubbing his bulging belly, as if the action would help him calm down. The Brit had always had a short fuse, even when he was little, and though he usually hid it well, sometimes that anger could come out very easily.

"Hey, babe!" America yelled from the sandbox, where he was dutifully watching the children.

He ran over, and lifted the Brit into a princess hold, giving him a big smooch on the cheek before putting him down gently and running back to the kids.

As France saw the Englishman smile softly from behind his hand, he was reminded of another time when Arthur had hidden is blatant love and adoration for the American.

~Flashback Time~


"Yes, Angleterre?"

"Have you...do you know...what it feels like?"

"Do I know what what feels like, Arthur?" France asked, brushing the Brit's hair back after their romp between the sheets.

Arthur pushed his hands away, pulling the blanket up around him more.

"Do you know what it feels like...to be in love?"

France smiled. "Are you trying to say you're in love with me, Angleterre?"

"No!" Arthur looked disgusted, before blushing lightly. France frowned, but motioned for him to continue.

"I...I think I'm in love...with Alfred." he stated, the blush on his cheeks even stronger now.

"Wha- how? You vowed to never get too attached to your colonies, much less fall in love with them!" to say Francis was shocked was a understatement.

Arthur had always told him that he would never fall in love, as he never wanted to be left alone if a person was human or broken apart and hated if they were another nation and they went to war against each other.

"I...I tried so hard...but I couldn't help it. He's everything I want and need. Kind, cutely annoying, with his sky blue eyes..." he trailed off, seemingly lost in his own world.

For a second, France was disgruntled. "I have beautiful blue eyes, and can be all of those things. What makes this kid so special?" He quickly scolded himself, telling his mind not to have these thoughts, as they meant trouble.

Arthur never talked about Alfred again, but when they docked in Massachusetts and went to see the boy, it was all suddenly obvious to Francis.

Though he was almost a head taller than Arthur, he ran up to the man as if he was a kid again, hugging him tightly.

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