17 Years, a Hetalia fanfic Part 2

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I don't own Hetalia or Vocaloid. However, I love both.

2. This Box Is Crazy

"Kesesesese~" they heard a voice off screen say, already knowing it was Prussia from his famous odd laugh.

"Yes! The awesome me is in this one so we all know it will be undoubtedly awesome!!" Prussia screamed, Gilbird chirping along, while his brother told him (yelled at him) to quiet it down.

"We have to be very quiet, Maddie, so we don't get discovered! That would totally ruin mein awesome prank!" he said, before pointing the camera to a little girl who was around 8, and had long silver hair much like his and lilac eyes.

"Yes, Vati. It'll be so funny to prank Onkel Germany!!" the girl said excitedly, before clapping her hands over her mouth.

"Now, let's see what we have here." Prussia said, quietly peeking into the room.

There laid a sleeping Germany, on a child's bed with a storybook and child on his chest. The girl looked only 4, and had chestnut brown hair pulled up into a ponytail.

"Man....all they're doing is sleeping...wish I had this camera when I caught him dressed as a 'pretty princess' and dancing to Japan's weird Vocaloid group." Prussia said, remembering fondly the rare time he caught his younger brother cutting loose.

"Mein Gott! West would do anything for Felicity, who knows what all I can get mein awesome nichte to do to him!" he thought excitedly, thinking of the many german sparkle parties to come.

"Gil?" a quiet voice said, while traveling down the hallway.

"Yes, Birdie?"

"Yeah, Momma?"

The Candian smiled, before going over to hug the albino German, who kissed him on the forehead. He then went over to pick up Maddie, who was silently demanding attention from him.

"What are you two up to?" Canada asked.

"Nothing! Just being awesome as always, right Maddie?" Gilbert asked the little girl.

"Ja! We're so awesome we might make your head explode!" she agreed whole-heartedly.

"Well, Gil," Canada said, "if you could take a break from the awesomeness, would you mind looking after Fredrick? He's in the kitchen with Feli, and you know how unobservant he can be with anything else when he's making pasta...."

"No problem, the awesome me will definitely look after mein awesome protégé." Gilbert said, before putting the camera on a shelf and striding off.

Even though the camera wasn't being used, you could still see what the countries were doing, like a TV show.

"Your Vati is silly, isn't he?" Matthew said, looking at his firstborn.

"Yes," Madeline replied, looking on after her father, "but that's how we need him, right?"

"Yeah," Matthew said, before taking the girl into the guest room and putting her in the bed, tucking her in as a certain yellow bird perched on top of her hair, ruffling it to make it comfortable. "That's exactly how we need him."

Meanwhile, in the kitchen, the ex-nation was watching his 4-month old son.

"You are going to be as awesome as me one day, I'm sure!" he said, looking at the little boy, who had a light dusting of wheat blonde hair and burning red eyes.

"Hey, zio Gil?" a little voice said, tugging him out of his daydream.

"Ja, Benni?" the albino asked, looking curiously down at his neffe.

"Where...where do babies come from?" the blonde boy asked, his amber eyes looking at little Fredrick.

The Italian blushed after hearing that.

"Ve~" Italy said, coming over to join the conversation. "Well, you came from my tummy, piccolo." he said, ruffling the child's hair.

"I know that Mama, but how did I get IN there!!" he replied.

"Kesesese~ I think I'll just let you two work this out on your own." Prussia said, then brought Fredrick into the living room for some bonding time.

"Ummmm....why don't you ask your Vati? He's probably in Felicity's room." The Italian said while blushing, before turning back to dinner.

"Okay." he said, before walking upstairs.

"Ve~" the Italian thought, "I wonder what Luddi will say if I couldn't even come up with an answer."

Germany always blushed fire engine red at the thought of having-and making- babies with Italy, while the Italian just sighed dreamily, a daydreaming smile on his face.

"Vati.....are you awake?" the blonde asked, tip-toeing into his sister's room.

"Ja, ja." a sleepy Doitsu said, rubbing his eyes. "Did you need anything?" he asked, moving the little girl gently off of his chest.

"Well, it just that...Vati....where do bambina's come from?" Benni asked shyly.

Germany blushed. "Why....why do you want to know? Did your idiot Onkel put you up to this?" Ludwig asked, trying to maneuver his way out of the awkward conversation.

"Nein.....I'm just curious." Benni shrugged, looking up at the country with big amber eyes.

"So was your Mutti....and look where that got us." Ludwig muttered, looking at the little boy and the sleeping girl. He could fondly remember his Italien squealing out "Ve~ Luddi, more!!!" during their more....private times.

Shaking his head and thinking back to his son's question, Germany tried to think of a quick answer to appease the boy.

"Hmmm.....when two adults love each other enough, they may decide to have a baby. Usually only human females can have babies, though, so if someone asks don't tell them your Mama is a man." he answered.

"But....if only girls can have babies, then how did Mama have me?" the blonde asked curiously, tilting his head to the side.

Germany again blushed. "We're not entirely sure why male nations can have children. They just....can." he once again answered, exasperated.

"Like Mr. England had London and D.C.?" he asked, linking the two instances together.

"Yes, exactly like that." Germany asked, glad to be over with his son's line of questioning.

"Well, okay. Danke, Vati." the young boy said, before giving his father a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"You're welcome, mein son." the nation answered back, before sending him on his merry way.

"Ahhhh...." he said, as he laid back on the bed. He looked over at his only daughter, his princess.

"I hope you won't be very curious, considering you're one of the few females in a world of men." he stated, though knowing that should the time come, both his son and daughter would take over their parent's roles as nations. And as of late, it seemed to be that the next generation would be mainly girls, if the gender of the other countries' offspring had anything to say about it. He rubbed the sleeping brunette's back. "At least I won't have to worry about that for a while." he said, before falling asleep yet again.

France once again stopped the tape. "Are you sure we should watch more? We can hear their thoughts now, and this is sounding a bit TOO real."

Everyone looked around the room, wondering who would be paired together next, before turning to Germany.

"Let's...let's just watch the whole thing, and get it over with." he said, rubbing his forehead and motioning for France to start it up again.

Who else would be dragged into this clusterfuck?

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