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Hawkins Field



"Nothing here either!"

"Fucking rednecks-"

"What do we do? We can't just leave him here like this! Can we sing?? Will singing help or- ramble, ramble- ramble." Robin rambled on while panicking.

"Hey- hey" Nancy tried calming her down but it wasn't quite working out so well, if only Steve was here instead he'd be able to calm her down from her rambling like usual.

"Wait!" Lucas said, stopping everyone in their tracks looking at Lucas to see if he has an idea.

Upside Down

"Not so brave now? Are we?" Vecna spoke with a smile spreading across his face as a vine wrapped arm Steve's leg as he was started speaking, to distracted to see or feel it.

"Y'know I have to hand it to you- you're very good. The brooding dad act? Very original. But he's just some asshole." Steve kept saying as he held his bat walking closer to some vines that were connected to the vine on his leg.

"And so are..."waning closer to the ground with a hand on the ground, one holding the bat up into the arm above the vine.

"YOU!" Slamming the bat into the vines makes the vine let go and Vecna feels a pain from the vine yelling out a painful yell.

Dropping the bat and running away from Vecna, and the vines on where he originally was.

"High school basketball please don't fail me now..." He uttered to himself while sprinting away as fast as he could, trying to not waste too much energy.

"C'mon guys..." Looking to we're he thinks the portal will be.

Hawkins Field

"Dustin! Didn't Steve make you some shitty mixtape or something??" Lucas panicked trying to hurry up so they can save Steve from ending up like the last other 3 people and almost Max.

"OH YEAH! He said I had to expand my musical horizons-" Dustin addressed them about how and why Steve gave him the mixtape forgetting about what's happening right now.

"Fucking Harrington" Eddie let out chuckled at Steve making a stupid mixtape for Dustin. Everyone snapping Dustin out of his memory with Steve giving him the mixtape and explaining what songs are on there by rushing him to hurry up and get it.

"GO! GO! GO!" Everyone started shouting for Dustin to hurry up so they could bring Steve back and save him.

"Yep! There it is! Everybody wa-"


"Sorry," Dustin whispered, handing Eddie the mixtape, while Eddie rolled his eyes at his stupidity at a moment like this.


What if Steve got Vecnaed instead? |Steve Harrington|Where stories live. Discover now