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Hawkins Field






Robin, Eddie, Dustin, and Nancy were all looking down at Steve's figure watching if he's ok and not blind or anything.

Sitting up from the grass trying to open his eyes due to the brightness of the sunshine shining on his face blinding him.

"Wha-?" Finally getting words out of his mouth before getting tackled into a hug by Dustin and Robin not letting go of him scared that if they let go he's not going to be here anymore.

Being surprised by their anitistics, he only lets out a soft smile that only has happiness and gladness hidden behind it.

"GOD! Dingus we were so worried! Don't EVER do that again we thought we were gonna lose you."

"Don't ever do that again idiot."

Robin and Dustin spoke up worried at what just happened to Steve a minute ago, not wanting to let go any time soon. Speaking up after their muffled talk by hiding their faces in both of his shoulders.

"Not like I had much of a choice... wait a DAMN minute. Dustin Henderson and Robin Buckley. Are you crying???"

"..." Steve said with a shit eating grin appearing on his face, while both Robin and Dustin stood not saying anything but quickly realizing that they were indeed crying about almost losing their best friend and probably mother figure due to Vecna.

"Absolutely NOT ew."


Dustin and Robin said, wiping the tears away from their eyes that were just falling. Dustin trying to wipe away the tears, and Robin smearing some of her already messed up mascara more around her eyes.

"Awww you DO care<3 cm'ere" adorableness taking over Steve that they actually cared about him almost dying. Being the one to pull them into a big hug that is now filled with care and happiness.

Hugging Steve back with hearfield smiles not leaving their faces once through the whole interaction with Steve. Some of the others went back to what they were doing not wanting to ruin their friend's bonding moment with each other.

While Eddie stood to the side leaning on the RV watching the interaction between the three of them that was happening, trying to not let out a small laugh but failing miserably.

"Don't think I forgot about you Munson. You were worried about me!" Letting go of the hug, facing towards Eddie, making him stop trying to laugh but instead make him flustered about his comment about him being worried.

Turning away from Steve with only a huff out a little angry that Steve caught him being worried at THE STEVE HARRINGTON, speaking up with an irritated look.

"Yeah whatever, keep it in your pants Steve."


About to walk away before hearing Steve speak up, stopping him in his tracks turning to him face to face looking at each other in the eyes, some weight lifting off his shoulders a little.

"Thanks- for well- er you know.." trying to find the right words to say but failing so just went with whatever came out of his mouth in the process.

"Sure." Only letting out a stuffed chuckle at what Steve had just said to him, thanking him for something that he helped him with before going back to what he and Dustin was working on before the whole "Steve getting Vecnaed thing" happened.

Little did he know Steve stood there watching his figure retreat back to where he was sitting before, hesitating to turn away but did so anyway to continue helping Robin with the gasoline in the bottles.

Sitting down next to Robin making sure to put on the headphones playing the song that was playing before so he doesn't go back into a trance like state again, leaving one ear with no music so he could still listen to what Robin was talking about.

That countinted on before the final battle that was going to happen but with Steve wearing headphones this time so he doesn't get Vecna to come after him instead of Max for the plan to work.

Hoping that everyone is going to be safe and sound and not die on him like times before with other people. In the end they barely survived the upside down with Eddie a few scratches from the demobats but lucky it wasn't really bad to make him die due to blood loss.

And Max almost dying but luckily pulling through with it, ending up in the hospital for two weeks with Lucas by her side the whole time reading books for her, listening to music, watching some movies with the help from some of the stuff making it able for her to make out a little bit of it.


Where did Eddie go to hide? Well at Steve's house of course it's not like his parents that aren't ever there are gonna say anything in this matter, they don't even know Eddie or about him being an accused murderer.


"So what movie are you thinking about watching Munson?" Steve asked, looking over at Eddie next to him at the other end of the bed.

"Hmmm, how about the breakfast club? I've never seen that movie before." Looking back at Steve making eye contact for a minute or two before both of them breaking it looking towards the tv putting on the movie.

"Let me tell you it is a great, amazing movie that you're going to love!" He said with a smile turning the movie on for both of them, making sure that they have the snacks and popcorn.

"I bet it will." He said, before going silent after the movie began to start playing, lighting up the dark pitch black room around them.

In the end both of them ended up watching three more that were the following: 'the outsiders', 'grease' and last but not least Steve's favorite one 'Better off dead.'

They ended up falling asleep with Eddie holding Steve by his waist like a big soft pillow around 2 in the morning, but luckily for Steve he has the day off tomorrow so does Robin due to the three deaths that had occurred because of Vecna.

Little did they know a figure that was none of than Dustin Henderson had just walked through the door wanting to ask Steve if he could stay the night with him only to stand there for a minute or two before leaving to go grab a blanket and pillow, coming back setting up his makeshift bed on the floor next to Steve's bed.

In the end everyone got what they wanted, Max able to live to see- hear another day, Eddie still breathing just with scrapes like Steve's, and Jason giving up on getting revenge for Chrissy after Lucas and the others explained to him what has been happening in Hawkins for a while now.

I'd say that was a good happy ending for everyone except Will- he really needs to get revenge for his haircut from his barber like jeez.


Hope you enjoyed this story. All credit and story line goes to @peaxh.milk.tea on TikTok!

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