Staircases and duels

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"That doesn't look creepy at all." Will said, staring at the dark very much terrifying door.

"Oh for heavens sake. Of all things, moving staircases? Really?" Atlanta groaned as it shifted us all onto the platform holding the dark door.

"What floor is this?" Adeline asked as she inspected the door.

"It's the third floor." Said Luke wearily.

"Oh you mean the one where Dumbledore said we'd die a very slow and painful death if we went near it? You mean that one, fantastic." Will said sarcastically, shaking his head.

"It doesn't look very scary." Adeline noted, twisting the door handle. I quickly pulled her hand off it, it could be cursed or something.

"Addy, I don't think he meant the door."

"How do we get the staircase to come back up here?" Atlanta said, peering off the edge of the platform.

"Is there like a button we're meant to press?, maybe we should send warning flares off our wands. Five darling children stranded on scary death floor, send help!" He shouted the last part whilst laughing.

Before anyone could send warning flares or say anything else, Filtch suddenly appeared down a few stairs. "What are you miserable—OI! I'VE JUST CLEANED THAT FLOOR!" He shouted, sneering at  Will's muddy shoes.

"Time to go!" Will cheered worriedly as we all scrambled to the edge of the platform.
Impeccable timing as ever, the staircase reattached itself to the platform just as Filtch went to grab the back of Will's cloak, we all dashed down the staircase and into the entrance hall, quickly sitting towards the back of the Ravenclaw table, hiding behind our other Ravenclaws as Filtch entered sneering. When he didn't find us, he stormed out.

"How is he still a teacher?" Will gaped whilst biting an apple. "I saw that man grab a kid by the ear the other day and swing him around, he does realize this is a school not a county Fayre. If tried that on me I'd slap him." Will scoffed.

I very well remember him getting beaten up by some old man who looked about 70 in Diagon Alley but whatever.

"Oh really? Slap him really hard are you, Will?" Atlanta started mocking him and he started pretending to cry. God these children.

It near the end of September now, which felt like a fever dream considering how fast time seemed it go. This school clearly liked Halloween as few pumpkins had already started appearing through out the school.

"What's the next lesson?" I asked Luke who was gulping down cereal.

"Defense against dark arts, then later divination." He told me before going back to his cereal.

I absolutely loved astronomy, it was my favorite subject so far, it started at 10 o' clock so that the stars were clear and easy to read. The astronomy tower was by far the most beautiful place at Hogwarts, even our common room didn't compare to it.

Suddenly there was someone talking loudly from the Gryffindor table and everyone turned to look, even Luke stopped eating his cereal to watch.

"It's a Remembrall!" A Griffindor-Neville Longbottom who I had met in Herbiology— squeaked. "Gran knows I forget things — this tells you if there's something you've forgotten to do. Look, you hold it tight like this and if it turns red — oh . . ." His face fell, because the Remembrall had suddenly glowed scarlet, ". . . you've forgotten something . . ."

Neville looked like he was trying to remember what he'd forgotten when Malfoy- of all people, honestly- snatched the Remembrall out of his hand. Both Harry and Ron jumped to their feet quickly. They looked like they wanted to beat him up, which I wasn't against in the slightest.

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