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All of the dsmp were just hanging out in erets castle when big Q got en idea

Big Q: hay karl" quackity asked

Karl: yeah big Q?"

Big Q: you know how you can time travel"

Karl: yeah?"

Big Q: can you travel into a different univers?"

Karl: yeah do you wan't to travel into a univers with me?"

Big Q: hell yeah, but what univers?"

Phill: I'm watching this anime called mha"

Wilbur: fucking weeb" as wilbur said that all of the dsmp started laughing

Phill: shut up wil, anyway as I was saying we should go to mha and stay in rp mode to scare every one"

Karl: good idea phil it's not a surprise that you have a good idea sense you are so old and have wisdom"

Bad: anyway phil can you explain how the world works so we don't look like fools when we go in"

Phil: it's a world were 80% of the people there have super powers called quirks and the other % is quirkless there are vilains and heros and a high school called UA high and it's just a school were you can train to be a hero and yeah thats pretty much it"

Karl: ok let me just get a book real quick...alright who is going?"

As karl said that phil, tommy, tubbo, ranboo, big Q, eret, skepy, bad, dream, and foolish raised there hand

Karl: alright

As soon as karl said that he opend the portal to a different world called mha, thay soon walked in the portal saying bye to the people that did'nt wan't to go

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