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Time skip im to lazy

Dekus pov

I was walking around the UA halls when a book fell from the cycling the cover of the book looked weird.

I picked up the book the cover looked like the karls huddie with the swirl on its front. I open the book it said

The time/univers traveling book

It was weird how it just fell from the sky the more I think about it the more it seems impossible like you can't time travel or travel to en other univers without a quirk ...unless.


I ran into my dorm room and on my chair was karl siting looking at me

Karl: I see you found the book congratulations"

Deku: why were you in my room?"

Karl: no reason. But let me tell you some thing I want YOU to join US"

Deku: Im NOT joing the lov"

Karl: oh no not those losers I want you to join the dream smp"

Deku: why should I? I don't trust you"

Karl: don't you feel like the UA school is treating you like a weapon like you can only be useful just because you have a powerful quirk I know how you felt back at middle school. You felt useless like nothing you and bakugo were pretty good friends but when he found out you were quirkless you were tousted aside like nothing and yet you still follow him like a lost puppy dog"


Karl: listen midoria he told you to kill yourself and yet you forgave him like it was nothing YOU kept everything to yourself when you could have gotten him in jail and he knows that AND YET HE STILL TREATS YOU LIKE TRASH"


Karl: all im saying is that if you join us you will feel free like all the weight on your back could be gone and you could get rid of that pest bakugo"

Deku: Don't call him a pest"

Karl: you only see good in him after all those years after all hes done you don't see hes a bad person do you realize that he only got in because hes stong thats all THATS IT BECAUSE HES STONG NOT BECAUSE HE WANTS TO HELP OTHERS NOT TO SAVE THE WORLD ITS ONLY BECAUSE HES STRONG AND YOU STILL DON'T SEE THAT"

Deku: you're right this fucking school is just useing us as weapons how did I not see this before...Ill join you guys"

Karl: good job now lets change that name of yours because isuku midoria is not it hmm how about Eddie do you like the name Eddie?"

Deku/Eddie: yeah I think its a good name"

Karl: allright Eddie but allso hide that book for me don't let anyone take it"

Deku/Eddie: ok"

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