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Still in flash back

Nezu: allright but how will our storry play out?"

Dream: well just say that we are some friends of your's and i'll give you a skrip  maybe in a week"

Nezu: ok well i'll let you live in the dorms and you guys can visit the school whenever you wan't just don't distract the students"

Dsmp: got it"

End of flash back

Aizawa: they were some friends of nezu and karl the guy with mish mashed sweter has a portal quirk but can't open a portal to his home some how"

Deku: oh no that sounds terable"

Karl: it is but we'll be fine"

Deku: if you say so"

Karl: well we need to go have a nice day"

Deku: you to"

I soon start walking away but some thing feels off I don't know what it is maybe it's my imagination

Tommys pov

Tommy: I wan't to punch him"

Phill: tommy no"

Tommy: but why not?"

Phill: well you are 18 and thats a 16 year old"

Tommy: man being en adult sucks"

The smp started laghing but soon stoped as soon as they enter there dorms"

Luckly the place was big enofe to have dorms for each person

Tommy: cya i'm going to sleep"

Dsmp-tommy: good night"

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