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Inviss pov

I ran out the room and went to uraraka i was so scared how did he see me?

Uraraka: so did you find anything interesting?"

Invis: yeah I did"

Mina: Oooo spill"

Invis: ok so (tells every thing)

Deku: how did he know you were there?"

Invis: thats what im trying to figure out I don't know how he saw me I didn't have any clothes on"

Deku: these guys are strange we should keep a close eye on them"

Mina: whait what is a lumanburg?"

Invis: I don't know maybe its a building?"

Uraraka: maybe, Deku wright that down"

Deku: ok"

No ones pov

Little did they know tubbo was hearing everything and seeing everything he had followed them while drinking 3 invis potions.

Everything is going acording to plan this building is going explode


wilburs pov

I was hideing TNT in the walls in each room. It was super easy i just had to get tubbo to be friends with all of them so they don't suspect a lot of things.

Maybe just lore stuff but other then that it was super easy to hide TNT in most rooms.

I asked tubbo if they say they want to hang out with us say yes so you can seem les SUSpicious hopefully everything gose to plan.

Dekus pov

Deku: I have en idea what if we get some of them to go to a sleepover with us and see if they are villains, I think invis girl has camras in her room"

Invis: yeah I do lets see if they will attack us when we sleep"

Mina: lets hope they are just some normal people that have a lot of history"

Time skip next dayyy

In class

Minas pov

It was the next day every one was in class mister Aizawa was sleeping everything was going smoothly untill mister Aizawa woke up.

Aizawa: good morning class im going to need mina, invis,uraraka and deku to go to the front office"

What why did we do something wrong hopefully not. I get up from my seat and leave the class room me uraraka, deku and invis where going to the office to see nezu.

Nezu: ah you're here good take a seat"

Mina:um did we do something wrong?"

Nezu: well yes and no"

Deku: what dose that even mean?"

Nezu: anyway I want to say that I over heard you talking about dreams and mister Aizawas conversation you guys know that ezdroping isnt aloud especially when its top secret"

Uraraka: what how did you know?"

Nezu:  I was walking around and heard you guys talking about the conversation do you guys not know how to lock a door?"

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