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Dreams pov

Every thing is going to plan we have a spy we are gods they are not we have TNT all over the ua walls Eddie/ izuku midoria is doing a good job of being a spy he finally knows how to not mutter our plans out loud.

But the thing is we have many plans if eddie/izuku is a traitor he knows the baisics but not the full truth.

This UA place will go down in history

Bakugo's pov

Dekus been a lot more distant he doesn't talk to me but only if I talk first its weird HE allways talks first what happened.

Maybe he lost trust in you

'Who said that?'

Its me "deku" but that name isn't fitting

As soon as the voice said that deku came out of the shadows like a ghost but somethings off his eyes were blue its like his eyes were plucked out and the blue was blood parts of his skull was showing

Bakugo: de-deku?"

I soon woke up in a cold swet I look to see what time is it and it was 5:00 am I tried to go to sleep but failed

Foolish's pov

Me,wilbur and Eddie/izuku were messing with bakugo in his dreams it was very funny but our funn soon came to in end when dream said it was time to sleep me, tubbo and tommy are doing lore and Eddie/Izuku has school.

Which was sad but its fun doing lore.

I soon went to sleep thinking about how fun it will be to traumatiz some kids.

Eddie's/Izuku's pov

I wake up and as im geting ready I think about the lore im ganna do becuase it seems fun.

I memerized the lore and school work it is hard not to mutter out loud but only when its apart of the lore oh my prime this is fun

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