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Dreams pov

After geting all the scripts done we had to go to school and stuff which was boring we wanted to scare the kids so we all picked one thing off the script and used it to scare some kids

Me and wilbur allready gave the scripts to the pro heros so they know what to espect.

Dream: ok phil,tommy,ranboo and I are going so all of yall can stay I allready gave the pro heros the script so they know what to espect on the first day"

Karl: ok have fun"

Time skip to class

Aizawa's pov

I read the script all night so I don't forget it dream said that him tommy, ranboo and phill are doing a little lore to day so can't be that hard

They soon walk in and tommy was standing close to phill but far away from dream he had so many scars on his face ' jeezz theis guys go all out on lore huh' I think as I reamember the script that dream gave me

Aizawa: blah blah blah ask them questions i'm going to sleep" I say as I look at dream with a " I will kill you" type of look that was part of the lore

I soon go in my sleeping bag as I fall asleep

Dekus pov

I saw how Mr aizawa looked at one of the villains it was vary weird that it was only them maybe they have some history together

Mina: what was that about?" Mina wisperd to me

Deku: I don't know" I wisperd back

Ranboo: well you heard him give us some questions"

I raise my hand to ask a question

Phills pov

I point at the bush kid

Phill: uhhh you bush kid"

Bush kid: uh my name is izuku midoria and I want to know what your quirks are"

Phill: well I have wings and I can talk to crows drea-" phill was cut of by dream

Dream: I am god" phill soon hit him with his wings

Phill: Stop saying we are gods"

Tommy: dose having every woman fall in love with you count as a quirk"

Ranboo: if it did you would be quirkless"


Phill: ANYway dream can summen SOME things ranboo can teloport and tommy also has wings... Well had wings"

Some alian looking girl raised her hand

Tommy: you alian girl"

Mina: uh i'm mina ashido (idk if I spelled that right) and I wan't to ask what happend to your wings?"

Tommy: uhh to keep the story short some bitch cut them off"

Mina: oh sorry I did'nt know

Tommy: its fine

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