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Tommys pov

I glance at dream for a secend to give them a hint phill said to watch out for the girl with invis and a girl with weird ears maybe thay will try to sneek up on us and listen to our conversations so we have to talk in chat on we are going to do for lore

I was soon snaped out of my thoughts when a girl with short brown hair said something

Uraraka: why is there a cowd of crows out side the window"

Ranboo: phill keep chat in check"

Phill: im trying they have a mind of there own"

The girl with short brown hair raised her hand again

Ranboo: uh you with brown hair"

Uraraka: is your crown real?"

Ranboo: uh yes it is"

I could see all of the class was shocked of ranboos respond.

Then I realized something

>tommy< whait phill don't you hate covernment?

>phill< yeah?

>eret< are you going to blow it up?

>phill< yup

>tubbo< phills villan arc lol

>ranboo< he did distroy lumanburg so

>dream< I have the TNT sooo VILLAN ARC LETS GOOOO

>Dsmp-dream< LETS GOOOOO



>Dream< the food here is so good"

>Phill< I know right its so good"

>Ranboo< yeah I was about to lose my mind if I had to eat cooked pork chops for a whole month again"

>Tommy< yeah same"

We talked in chat most of the time just incase some one can hear us we did talk but it was in rp mode exemple:

Phill: hey uh dream you have been less trying to kill tommy and more uh trying not to kill tommy"

Dream: I know"

Phill: and why is that?

Dream: because if I try to kill tommy right now the heros would stop me"

Jiros pov

I was just listening to other peoples convention when I heard some thing from the knew people

Phill: hay uh dream you have been less trying to kill tommy and more uh trying not to kill tommy"

Dream: I know"

Phill: and why is that?

Dream:  because if I try to kill tommy right now the heros would stop me"

Jiro: guys I heard some thing from the new people that I think I was'nt supost to hear"

Mina:well spill it out allready"

Picka boy: yeah slpill the tea"

Jiro: ok so "tells about the conversation"

Rock boy: no way

Jiro: yup

???: its rude to listen to others conversation don't you think?

Haha clif hanger

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