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Deku's pov

I was walking around UA's halls with uraraka, todoroki and ida when a portal apered but it did'nt look like the portal that the lov used when they break into the school it looked purple and green

Deku: ida go call mr.Aizawa

Ida: got it

We whaited untill a guy with a mish mashed sweater came out of the portal soon mr.Aizawa came just in time before the man could do anything

Karl's pov

As soon as I walked in the portal I saw some kids and then a homeless person that looks like if George never slept dering the important things that happend

I was soon traped in a skarf that the homeless man had

Karl: dang even dream has a better house then this man"

I said out loude as I heard phill and wilbur laughing as they soon walked out the portal

Homeless man: what are you doing at UA vilains"

Wilbur: dang I never thought some one can be more homeles then dream but here we are"


Wilbur: what am I wrong?"

Phill: no but still don't say that

Aizawa: I won't say this again why are you here

Tommy: chill homeless person we just asked karl to travle into somewere we have not been at and here we are

Ranboo: don't call him that tommy

Tubbo: holy shit a homeless person

Ranboo: tubbo no

Tommy:tubbo yes

Bad: langue

Skeppy: oh look a homeless person that is'nt dream

Dream: stop bullying the poor homless person

Foolish: what's happi- oh a homeless person

Big Q: why are you guys bulling some homeless person that is'nt dream

Eret walks out the portal and sees mr. Aizawa

Eret: why is there a homeless person here

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