Chapter 12

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Deep down, I would have someone to love and give the love I never had. ~ Susan Sanford ~

If two people could conquer the world, it would be Rylan and Mattie. It's seldom that people are lucky enough to meet their soul mates early in life, but those two have defied our town's standards and created a bond that I don't believe anyone could break. If anyone took the time to watch them as closely as I do, they'd see it. She had his heart a long time ago, and she'll one day realize he's had hers the day he introduced himself. They may have different outlooks on life and different paths to travel, but the road will always lead back to each other.

~Our Hometown of Dewbridge/ Journal Entry by Tad Roberts


"What's up with you, man," Devin whispers. "Doug's talking to you."

Pushing the fries on my plate around, I look up. The whole table is concentrated on me. Dusting my hands off, I slap my teammate on the shoulder and say, "Yeah, dude, we got this one in the bag. Rosemont's team's a mess this year."

I didn't hear the question he asked, but I'm spot on by the way the guys are pumping fists. It's game day. It's easy to guess at the subject of choice. I'm still riding the high from last night, and my thoughts are on the rose I know Mattie found on her pillow this morning. I'm praying I haven't spooked her.

Talk around the table resumes. A party is being formulated, and within minutes, phones are pulled out as they make plans, and the invites are sent over social media. The guys are discussing who's next on their bucket list for a good time. The cheerleaders sitting next to us are the standard top pick for a fuck. I've been around the block with a few of them. By the way some of them are looking at me, they're hoping for a round two. I'm not feeling it. They aren't her. Ladonna sits with them. She's the leader of the squad without ever doing a single cheer. She's above that, she once told me. Instead, she's made herself the director of the group.

"I'll be damned. Looks like she needed to feed that hunger after all." Ladonna snorts, and the action is not attractive at all. No one mentions it. Instead, they laugh with her, everyone except for Thomas and Devin, who are staring intently in front of the cafeteria. Turning around, it's easy to spot the reason for the attraction. My heart jumps straight to my gut. People are staring at her, but she ignores them. It has to be killing her to be the center of attention. It's one of Mattie's biggest phobias, but she keeps her head up, and I've never seen her look more beautiful. A deep blue v-neck shirt and holey jeans cling to her body. The sneakers she wears have seen better days, and I can tell by the marks that they're her work shoes. Her blonde hair hangs loosely around her face, and I pray the eyes behind the chopped bangs will land on me. I must look like an ass, but I'm too dumbfounded to move.

Flanked by Tad on one side and Darby on the other, she makes her way to the food line. They're talking to her to keep her distracted. When she passes our table, I don't think she notices me ... until a folded slip of paper lands in the middle of my tray. Drawn on the front is a single rose. The brutality of her artistic ability makes me smile. The poor rose looks like it's been pieced together into something unrecognizable, and I love her more for it. Everyone's too busy with their own thoughts about the farm girl that stays hidden to notice when I slip it from my tray and unfold it.

I love you, too.

I'm sure by supper time, the gossip mill will be buzzing. And by the words staring at me, I know they'll be doing more than just buzz. They'll be blaring it from the treetops, leaving no house untouched. The sound of my chair falling to the floor startles me. Looking back, I stare at it like a crazy person. When did I stand? I'll go with it because I don't give a shit. Targeting her with my stare, I make my way across the room to where she's frozen in place. She heard my chair the same way everyone else in the room had. She swallows, and I can see the fear of what she's done etched all over that gorgeous face. Those blue eyes I've dreamed about night after night are tracking my movements like a deer in headlights. She's searching for my answer, and I'm about to give it to her. Grabbing her waist, I pull her out of the chair she's occupying and pull her toward me before moving my hands to her face.

"Took you long enough," I say.

I don't give her time to answer. Instead, I lean down and touch her lips with mine. They're smooth and satiny, the way I knew they'd be. Fitting together like two puzzle pieces that should have never been separated, I feel the warmth all the way to my toes. I'm home, right here in the middle of a crowded cafeteria with a couple hundred eyes on us. I'm home because I'm with Mack. A tap on my shoulder catches my attention, but I'm reluctant to pull back. When Principal Hobson clears her throat, I finally relent. Mack's cheeks are flushed, and her eyes sparkle with life. Reaching down, I grab her hand, refusing to let go.

"As much as I enjoy a good love story, this is not the time or place. Since you were the one who kissed her," Howls and whistles sound off in the direction of Devin and Thomas, and I can't help but smile. "Afternoon detention, Mr. Tucker. Understood?"

"Yes, ma'am. Best detention I ever earned."

Hobson keeps the stern expression in place, but it doesn't take an idiot to see that she likes what she's witnessing. Turning toward Mack, she lowers her voice.

"I'm glad the two of you have finally seen the light, but let's keep it off school property. Okay?"

Mattie nods, her smile never slipping. Principal Hobson is married to my mother's brother. They're not from money, and that's always made her one of my favorites at the uptight family functions I'm forced to attend. She took a liking to me and Mattie immediately when she met us as kids, but I know a few won't be as inclined to see us happy. The frown and hate glaring at us over Hobson's shoulder don't miss my attention. Ladonna is an issue I'm going to have to face to make sure she leaves Mattie alone. I can't help the feeling of foreboding that hits my gut, but I ignore it. I suspect our road won't be easy, but I'm ready to fight.  

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