La Signora x harbinger reader

784 19 6

Warning mentions of wounds and stitches

Women - whispering

(Y/N)'s pov

Getting the Gnosis from the Hydro archon was pretty easy, just had to go in a court session and show them why giving it to the Tsaritsa was better. Those fools. Yawning I make my way back to her majesty's office giving her my report and the gnosis. I knock on the door hearing a come in a few seconds later. I enter noticing that she had company. The other women were there having a tea break is what I could gather.  " Sorry for the intrusion but I came to give you my report about the hydro gnosis" " Of course La Lupa, leave it on my desk." " Yes, your majesty." I walk over to her desk and place my report there with the gnosis. " Good job, how about you join us for a bit." " Thank you for your offer but I still have some work to do." " That wasn't a question." " Of course."  I start walking near them but notice there weren't any more sits so I just lean on one of the armrests that Signora was sitting on the chair. " Please do continue your conversation." It was starting to feel a bit warm which is quite ironic since it is always freezing here but anyways, I remove my coat and roll up my sleeves revealing tattoos, scars and a few bandages on my arm.

I think that me doing that caught the attention of a few people, one of them being the person next to me because I could feel her burning yet cold gaze on my hand. I even saw her finger twitch like it wanted to touch my hand so I lower my hand near hers silently telling that she can if she wanted to. Apparently Columbina was another that saw my marks and decided to ask about them. " Why do you have drawing on your arms and hands Lupa and what's with the bandages on your wrists?" And now they are all staring at me, thank God I have my mask on my face, " They are my tattoos, I got them when I was young before, I joined the fatui, they also represent my story and people important to me. As for the bandages, let's say they cover what I did to myself in the past." " Huh what do you mean by that Lupa also please remove your mask it feels like we are talking to Capitano." " Of course, your majesty."  

I remove my mask only to release that the Tsaritsa is the only one who hasn't seen me without it. Oh well what could go wrong. A lot but well at least the men aren't here if you really can call them that.  I place my mask down on the table in front of us and grab a cup of coffee from the table. I could feel their stares, but one was burning more than the others. I look to my right noticing Signora is staring intensely at me. Well, I would too if I saw someone who's pupils are cat like.  That's one of the main reasons why my title is La Lupa. I cough slightly to get her attention, which it did making her look away from me. 

"Lupa, I heard there was a slight problem on your mission, is this true?" " Yes, your majesty. Childe thought it would be a good time to engage in battle with the Archon when I told him not to. Karma struck him and almost got him killed, I had to intervene and got hit instead of him."   (A/N): Even though he should have been that was killed instead of Signora. Do I care about Childe's fanbase on this opinion, ...Hell no. FIGHT ME ON IT, I DARE YOU!  Signora- Thank you puppy for fighting for me but please calm down, we don't want what happened last time to repeat itself do we, you know you had to be punished~. Author: r-right, sorry. anyways onto the story.

"Where did they hit you and did you get it looked yet?" " On my tummy your majesty and I just bandaged it up, didn't have time to go see Dottore since I came here to give you, my report." " Well, we can't have that, can we now. Please go seek assistance right away." " Of course." I bow to her and the others and make my away out of the room. 

Making my way to Dottore I hear footsteps coming my way. They were heels so it was probably one a mirror maiden or a cicin mage. I notice the sound coming faster to me and then I felt a grip on my wrist making me stop and turn around. I see one of my mirror maidens and look at her giving her an ok to speak. " I'm terribly sorry Chief but I needed to speak with you about the mission you assigned last week." " Right ask away." " We've got the man in one of the warehouses, found him hitting your client. He's bound but we didn't want to do anything without your go ahead."  " Hmmm, see what the clients wants and if she gives the go ahead tell her to give you first chance to get at him. Think of it as a reward for the good work." A slight blush forms on her cheeks. " Of course, Chief and thank you for the reward." " It's no big deal, now go, I have somethings to deal with it." " Of course, have a good day." " You too."

Once I notice she had left, I take a deep breath. " Now what did you want to talk about Signora." " Hmmm, I just wanted to make sure you get to Dottore safe and come out safe, who knows what that maniac would do." " Aww, you care about me." " Don't be stupid, you are the only tolerable one here, it would be a shame to lose what you have." " You humour me. I must get going now. Dottore still needs to look at my wounds." I go to leave but I feel her arms wrap around my torso. Turning me around so I face her, she grabs my tie and pulls me with her not to harshly to her room. 

" Signora, may I know what I'm doing here and also can you please let go of my tie?" She lets my tie go and points to her bed. Taking it as a sign to sit on her bed whilst she goes to the bathroom to grab something since, I can hear things moving. I close my eyes and rest my head in my hands. I hear the door open and her footsteps coming in front of me. She moves my head from my hands. I notice and first aid kit next to me. " Take your coat, waist vest and tie off." I sit there bewildered at what she said. Apparently, I took too long to start so she huffs and moves her hands to my shoulders, removing my coat, next she removes my tie. She starts going to my waist vest, but I come to my senses and remove it myself.  

Taking my waist vest off, I start to unbutton my dress shirt but not taken it off whilst she takes out some biodene (this is basically cleans the wound but also dries it up, so it stops bleeding, I have had my share use of this, and it stings. It like rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide) and bandages. I start to remove the bandages but notice they got stuck where the wound is. This is going to suck. I start to try and peel it off but feel soft gloved hands touching my wrist pulling my hands away from the bandages. " You'll make it worse for you if you rip it off like a plaster. Let me do it." " It's fine, I've had worse." " As someone who has a higher ranking than you, I'm ordering you to not touch it and let me do it." " You're only higher by 1!" " Still higher." " Alright alright your majesty." " Hmph." 

I don't know how but her touch was so soft, almost as if I would break like glass if she wasn't careful. Once she removes the bandages, she dips a cotton ball in the biodene. " This may sting a bit." " Yeah, I know." She presses the cotton ball on my wound, I clench my fist at the sting but it's going quite fast. " You'll need stitches. It's a deep wound." " You're getting Dottore here?" " What do you take me for?" " Never mind then." I feel the needle going in my flesh, I try to take my focus of off it but it's hard and I think she noticed. " Why do you have those drawings on you." "I got them so I could remember my memories, both the good and bad." " Why would you want to remember the bad?"  " I feel as if I deserved what happened to me, the things I went through to get here. If they didn't happen, I wouldn't be here." 

"Hmmm." She was quite fast didn't notice she stopped stitching me up. " It should be fine for a few weeks as long as you don't rip them off." " Yeah, it's getting late I should go to my room. I had fun talking with you Signora." " To you as well Lupa. Oh, and it's Rosalyne when we are alone. Say it in public and I will personally hunt you down." I chuckle " Who would have guessed the fair lady would enjoy hunting" She smirks at me " Wouldn't you like to know. Now go sleep." " Of course, good night... Rosa." with that I leave her room, making my way to my room after I gather my clothes from her room. 

Signora's pov

As I finish my nightly routine and get ready for bed, I look at my bedside table and look at her mask. " She isn't so bad, but would you forgive me if I fell for her?" I grab the mask and place it in one of the drawers. " She can replace it; she wouldn't mind missing one" I turn the lights off and drift to sleep knowing tomorrow will be a hell of a day.

Word count: 1754 

Finally, I did it. This was fun to write and also the longest I have written but it was worth it for her. Anyways If you guys have any requests just send them my way. I'll try my best to get to them. If you guys have very short requests, you can send those on Tumblr the link to that is in my profile. Until next time, keep howling, Alpha reaper out. 

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